

中国石化新闻网讯 据《RZ油气新闻》11月15日休斯敦报道,希腊唯一的油气公司Energean油气公司日前在雅典透露,该公司将在2021年第一季度从其位于以色列海上的拥有2.4万亿立方英尺天然气储量的卡里什(Karish)和塔宁(Tanin)两大气田中开采出第一批天然气。 Energean油气公司在一份声明中说,这个开发项目的下一个“可见里程碑”将是11月26日的浮式产油储油卸油(FPSO)船船体的首个钢材切割。 Energean油气公司首席执行官马蒂奥斯•里加斯在一份公司声明中表示:“我们的开发进度正按计划进行,我们在未来几个月里将在以色列和希腊实施积极的钻探计划,目标是大幅增加未来的资源量和产量。” 今年3月份,Energean油气公司宣布,公司董事会已批准旨在继续进行16亿美元的卡里什和塔宁大气田开发项目的最终投资决定(FID)。 Energean油气公司网站显示,该公司的愿景是成为领先的、专注于东地中海的独立勘探和生产公司。 Energean油气公司目前在4个国家拥有13份油气勘探和生产许可证,雇员385人。 李峻 编译自 RZ油气新闻
First Gas from Karish-Tanin Development On Track Energean Oil and Gas plc is on track to deliver first gas from its 2.4 trillion cubic feet Karish and Tanin development offshore Israel in the first quarter of 2021, the company revealed Thursday. The next “visible milestone” on the development will be first steel cut on the FPSO hull on November 26, according to Energean. “Our developments are on schedule and we have an active program of drilling in both Israel and Greece in the months ahead, targeting significant increases in prospective resources and production,” Mathios Rigas, CEO of Energean, said in a company statement. Energean announced back in March that its board of directors had approved the final investment decision to proceed with the $1.6 billion Karish and Tanin development project. Energean’s vision is to become the leading independent East Mediterranean focused exploration and production company, according to its website. The company holds 13 exploration and production licenses across four countries and employs 385 people, Energean’s website reveals.  
