中国石化新闻网讯 据普氏能源资讯11月16日休斯顿报道称,美国监管机构上周五对Eagle LNG Partners在佛罗里达州杰克逊维尔提出的将液化天然气用作船用燃料以及出口到加勒比地区和其他市场的项目进行了积极的初步环境审查。 在该项目的环境影响声明草案中,联邦能源监管委员会(FERC)表示已经得出结论,批准该项目将导致一些有限的不利环境影响,主要是对湿地地区。但是FERC还表示,随着Eagle LNG提出并由FERC推荐的缓解措施的实施,影响将降低到不太重要的水平。 Eagle LNG(CP17-41)计划建造一个三条管道液化设施,暂时储存生产的液化天然气,并最终将其装载到卡车,集装箱或远洋船舶上,用于海上加油贸易和出口。 徐蕾 摘译自 普氏能源资讯 Eagle LNG export project receives positive initial US environmental review Eagle LNG Partners’ proposed project in Jacksonville, Florida, to liquefy natural gas for use as marine fuel and for export to the Caribbean and other markets received a positive preliminary environmental review Friday from US regulators. In its draft environmental impact statement for the project, FERC said it has concluded that approval would result in some limited adverse environmental impacts, primarily to wetlands areas. But, it said, the impacts would be reduced to less-than-significant levels with the implementation of mitigation measures proposed by Eagle LNG and recommended by the agency. Eagle LNG (CP17-41) plans to build a three-train liquefaction facility that would temporarily store the produced LNG and eventually load it onto trucks, containers or ocean-going vessels for use in the marine bunkering trade and for export.