中国石化新闻网讯 据普氏能源资讯11月16日休斯顿报道,伊格尔液化天然气(LNG)合作伙伴公司拟议的在佛罗里达州杰克逊维尔液化天然气用作船用燃料以及用于出口到加勒比海地区和其他市场的项目周五从美国监管部门获得了积极的初步环境评估。 这个时下正在向美国联邦能源监管委员会(FERC)申请的13个LNG出口项目中的最小项目将年产大约100万吨LNG。 FERC在为这个项目发表的环境影响声明草案中表示,FERC的结论是批准这个项目将导致一些有限的不利环境影响,主要是对湿地地区。但FERC表示,随着伊格尔LNG合作伙伴公司提出的缓解措施的实施和FERC建议的落实,这个项目的环境影响届时将降低至不那么显著的水平。 李峻 编译自 普氏能源资讯 原文如下 Eagle LNG export project receives positive initial US environmental review Eagle LNG Partners’ proposed project in Jacksonville, Florida, to liquefy natural gas for use as marine fuel and for export to the Caribbean and other markets received a positive preliminary environmental review Friday from US regulators. The smallest of the 13 LNG export projects with pending applications before the US Federal Energy Regulatory Commission would produce a nominal capacity of about 1 million mt/year of LNG. In its draft environmental impact statement for the project, FERC said it has concluded that approval would result in some limited adverse environmental impacts, primarily to wetlands areas. But, it said, the impacts would be reduced to less-than-significant levels with the implementation of mitigation measures proposed by Eagle LNG and recommended by the agency.