美国钻井商Atwood Oceanics已经售出公司旗下的Atwood Falcon号半潜式钻井平台,而Atwood Eagle号半潜式钻井平台将于5月份被闲置。
目前,Atwood Eagle号在被运往新加坡的路上,并且处于在售状态。Atwood Eagle号本应由澳大利亚Woodside公司租用,但是Woodside中止了这项合同,转而租用Atwood旗下的Atwood Osprey号钻井平台。
Atwood Eagle号制造于1982年,2000年和2003年被翻修、改良。该钻井平台可以在5000英尺的深水中进行作业,钻井深度可达25,000英尺。Atwood Falcon号制造于1983年,钻井深度可达25,000英尺,能在5000英尺的深水中进行作业。石油圈原创www.oilsns.com
来自/Oedigital 5月5日消息 编译/赵宁
US-based driller Atwood Oceanics has sold its semisubmersible drilling rig Atwood Falcon for recycling and scheduled the Atwood Eagle semisubmersible to be idled in May.
The Atwood Eagle is in transit to Singapore and is being marketed. The unit was due to be on contract to Australia’s Woodside, however, the firm suspended the contract and transferred it to Atwood’s other drilling rig, the Atwood Osprey, which is on contract to Chevron until July 2016.
Atwood Eagle was built in 1982, and refurbished and upgraded in 2000 and 2003, respectively. The rig was built to work in up to 5000ft water depth. Its can drill down to 25,000ft.
Atwood Falcon was built in 1983 and is also able to drill down to 25,000ft, in up to 5000ft water depth.
- 赵宁
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