

中国石化新闻网讯 据普氏能源资讯11月16日伦敦报道,知情人士告诉标普全球普氏能源资讯记者,伊拉克联邦政府周五已通过库尔德斯坦至土耳其管道重启基尔库克原油出口,为欧佩克第二大产油国增产铺平了道路。 消息人士表示,目前通过该管道的石油出口量平均为每日5万桶,目标是在未来几周内达到每日10万桶。 消息人士补充说,伊拉克政府和半自治的库尔德地区政府已经达成了一项临时协议,根据这项临时协议,后者已提供保证其将把所有联邦伊拉克原油转移到由北方石油公司在杰伊汉运营的原油储罐中供伊拉克国家石场营销组织(SOMO)出售。 自2017年6月以来,SOMO一直没有从杰伊汉出口任何原油。 去年10月份,联邦政府部队从库尔德地区政府手中夺回了关键的基尔库克油田,伊拉克北方石油公司随后又控制了这些油田,从而关闭了每天从北方管道大约30万桶石油出口。 伊拉克北方石油公司运营的油田——包括白哈桑油田、阿瓦纳多姆油田、Bab Dome油田、Jambour油田和Khabbaz油田——全部位于基尔库克地区内,目前的日产量大约为30万至35万桶。 李峻 编译自 普氏能源资讯 原文如下: Iraq restarts exports of Kirkuk crude oil through Ceyhan pipeline The federal government of Iraq has restarted exports of Kirkuk crude oil through the Kurdistan-Turkey pipeline Friday, paving the way for a rise in loadings from OPEC’s second-largest producer, sources close to the matter told S&P Global Platts. Sources said flows through the pipeline were currently averaging 50,000 b/d, with a target of achieving 100,000 b/d in the coming weeks. The government of Iraq and the semi-autonomous Kurdistan Regional Government have agreed a tentative deal under which the latter has given assurances that it will transfer all federal Iraqi crude to storage tanks operated by North Oil Company (NOC) at Ceyhan for Iraq’s State Oil Marketing Organization to sell, sources added. SOMO has not exported any crude oil from Ceyhan since June 2017. Last October, federal government forces recaptured the key Kirkuk fields from KRG and NOC subsequently took control of them, shutting down exports from the northern pipeline route by around 300,000 b/d. Production from the NOC-operated fields — comprising Bai Hassan, Avana Dome, Bab Dome, Jambour and Khabbaz, all in the Kirkuk area — is currently around 300,000-350,000 b/d.
