

中国石化新闻网讯 据印度报业托拉斯(Press Trust of India)11月16日新德里报道,印度最大的垂直一体化石油公司石油天然气公司(ONGC)正在研究增产合同(PECs)和提高石油采收率技术,以提高面临自然衰退的老旧成熟油田的石油和天然气产量,其董事长Shashi Shanker说。 该公司计划通过为其石油和天然气田运营提供先进技术的服务提供商,为他们提供PEC,他们将获得超过基准增量生产的预定费用。 他说,现场运营商将通过竞争性招标程序进行选择,届时将选择那些提供更高产量增长的公司。 根据PEC,服务提供商还将负责维护将支付费用的基本生产概况。 Shanker表示,服务提供商需要对基础油生产的增量生产概况和维护概况进行投标。他们还应为这些领域提供FDP(实地发展计划)。 同时,该公司已经启动了主要的强化采油(EOR)活动,以提高成熟油田的采收率。 李方征 编译自 PTI 原文如下: ONGC frames strategy for higher output growth Oil and Natural Gas Corp (ONGC), India’s largest vertically integrated oil company, is looking at production enhancement contracts (PECs) and enhanced oil recovery techniques to boost oil and gas output from old and matured fields that are faced with natural decline, its chairman Shashi Shanker said. The company plans to bring in service providers with advanced technology in operation of its oil and gas fields by offering them a PEC where they would get a pre-determined fee for incremental production over a baseline. Field operators would be selected through a competitive bidding process where those offering higher growth in output would be chosen, he said. Under the PEC, the service provider will also be responsible for maintaining Base Production Profile for which fees will be paid. Shanker said the service providers are required to bid incremental production profile and also maintenance profile for base oil production. They shall also provide the FDP (Field Development Plan) for the fields. Concurrently, the company has already initiated major enhanced oil recovery (EOR) activities in order to enhance the recovery of oil from the matured fields.  
