

中国石化新闻网讯 据路透社11月17日休斯顿消息称,英国石油公司(BP Plc)表示,其交易部门上周五与美属维尔京群岛圣克罗伊岛(St. Croix)一家停产炼油厂的业主达成了一项收费协议,在被前东家停产六年后,此协议巩固了该工厂恢复运营的计划。 英国石油公司在一份声明中表示,根据该公司与闲置的Hovensa炼油厂的所有者Limetree Bay炼油公司达成的收费协议,BP将向该工厂提供原油并出售其产品、低硫燃料,这些燃料将在2020年满足国际海事组织的要求。 私人股权公司ArcLight Capital Partners LLC旗下的Limetree将投资15亿美元,将世界上最大的炼油厂之一的Hovensa炼油厂在2019年底重新恢复运营,并计划每天炼制20万桶原油。 它旨在生产符合国际海事组织规则的低硫燃料,国际海事组织要求大型船舶在2020年之前改用含硫量不超过0.5%的燃料,不再是3.5%。人们普遍预计该规则将刺激炼油厂生产的馏分油的新需求。 Limetree的工厂现场拥有1100多名建筑工人,并拥有2500万桶原油存储容量。 曹海斌 摘译自 路透社 原文如下: BP agrees to supply crude to St. Croix refinery BP Plc’s trading arm on Friday entered a tolling agreement with the owners of an idled oil refinery in St. Croix, U.S. Virgin Islands, cementing plans to bring the plant back online six years after it was idled by previous owners, the company said. Under BP’s tolling agreement with Limetree Bay Refining LLC, owner of the idled Hovensa refinery, BP will supply the facility with crude and sell its products, low-sulfur fuels that will meet an International Maritime Organization mandate in 2020, it said in a statement. Limetree, owned by private equity firm ArcLight Capital Partners LLC, is investing $1.5 billion to bring the Hovensa refinery, one of the largest such facilities in the world, back online by late 2019, with plans to process 200,000 barrels per day (bpd). It aims to produce low-sulfur fuels that satisfy the International Maritime Organization rule calling for large vessels to switch by 2020 to fuels containing no more than 0.5 percent sulfur from 3.5 percent. The rule is widely expected to spur new demand for the distillates the refinery would produce. Limetree’s facility has more than 1,100 construction workers on site and has brought online 25 million barrels of crude storage capacity.  
