中国石化新闻网讯 据普氏能源资讯11月12日布宜诺斯艾利斯报道,阿根廷国家石油公司(YPF)周一在布宜诺斯艾利斯公布的统计数据显示,由于天然气需求低迷迫使YPF关闭生产井并将重点转向瓦卡姆尔塔页岩油,该公司今年油气产量有可能同比下降3% – 4%,降幅高于此前的预期。 YPF负责战略、业务发展和投资者关系的副总裁塞尔吉奥•吉奥吉说,该公司曾设定2018年总体产量同比下降2%的目标,但低于预期的天然气需求迫使YPF把预测下调。 吉奥吉在向投资者介绍第三季度业绩的电话会议上说:“最终的油气产量数字将取决于今年第四季对天然气的需求。” 在今年的前9个月里,YPF平均每天共生产了5.41万桶油当量的石油和天然气,比去年同期的5.58万桶油当量下降了3.2%。 李峻 编译自 普氏能源资讯 原文如下: Argentina’s YPF sees sharper drop in 2018 output on low natural gas demand Argentinian state-run energy company YPF said Monday its 2018 hydrocarbon production likely will fall by 3% to 4% on the year, more than previously expected, as low natural gas demand forces it to close wells and shift its focus to Vaca Muerta shale oil. The company had set a target of a 2% year-on-year decline in overall production in 2018, but lower-than-expected demand for gas forced it to shave the forecast, said Sergio Giorgi, vice president of strategy, business development and investor relations. “The final value will depend on the demand for gas during the fourth quarter of this year,” he said on a conference call with investors to present third-quarter results. In the first nine months of 2018, YPF produced a total of 541,00 b/d of oil equivalent of hydrocarbons, down 3.2% from 558,800 boe/d in the year-earlier period.