中国石化新闻网讯 据路透社11月12日报道称,阿布扎比国家基金穆巴达拉投资公司周一表示,其油业务部门已同意从意大利埃尼集团手中收购埃及Nour North Sinai 近海海域特许权的20%参与权益。 经营这一特许权的埃尼公司子公司持有85%的股份,合伙企业萨瓦石油公司持有剩下的15%的权益。 穆巴达拉石油公司表示,该交易有条件,包括需得到埃及政府当局的批准。 徐蕾 摘译自 路透社 原文如下: Mubadala to buy 20% interest in Egypt’s Nour offshore concession from Eni Abu Dhabi state fund Mubadala Investment Company’s oil business has agreed to buy a 20 percent participating interest in Egypt’s Nour North Sinai Offshore Area concession from Italy’s Eni, it said on Monday. Eni, which operates the concession through a subsidiary, holds an 85 percent interest in partnership with Tharwa Petroleum Company, which holds a 15 percent interest. Mubadala Petroleum said the deal was subject to conditions, including approval from Egyptian government authorities.