

中国石化新闻网讯 据油气人11月9日报道称,最新数据显示,北海的石油储量足以支撑至少未来20年的油气生产。 英国政府发布的一份报告显示,剩余的可采储量和资源总量在100至200亿桶加油当量之间。 还表示,如果更多的未开发资源成熟,生产可能会持续到未来二十年。 这些数据是根据英国大陆架(UKCS)的产量估算得出的。UKCS是英国周边的水域地区,英国在那里拥有矿产权。该地区包括北海,北大西洋,爱尔兰海和英吉利海峡的部分地区。 根据石油和天然气管理局(OGA)的说法,隐藏资源的成熟可能为英国石油资源的持续发展提供重要机遇。 徐蕾 摘译自 油气人 原文如下: North Sea Oil and Gas Predicted to Last 20 more Years Reserves from the North Sea are sufficient to help sustain oil and gas production for at least the next 20 years, new figures indicate. A report published by the UK Government suggests that the overall remaining recoverable reserves and resources range from 10 to 20 billion barrels plus of oil equivalent.It said production could last beyond the next two decades if additional undeveloped resources can be matured. The figures were calculated based on production estimates taken from the UK Continental Shelf (UKCS).The UKCS is the region of waters surrounding the United Kingdom in which the country has mineral rights.It includes parts of the North Sea, the North Atlantic, the Irish Sea and the English Channel. According to the Oil and Gas Authority (OGA), the maturation of contingent resources could present a significant opportunity for the continued development of the UK’s petroleum resources.  
