

中国石化新闻网讯 据道琼斯阿布扎比11月11日消息,委内瑞拉石油部长周日表示,委内瑞拉或许将石油产量提高50万桶/日,主要是受到中国资助其提高石油产量的影响。
委内瑞拉石油部长曼纽尔·奎维多在抵达阿布扎比参加会议时表示,该国目前石油日产量约为150万桶。他表示:“由于2016年欧佩克设定委内瑞拉的石油产量配额为每日197.2万桶,我们还有大约每天50万桶的产量可以增加。” 奎维多也是委内瑞拉国家石油公司PDVSA的负责人。他表示,委内瑞拉将遵守其产量配额,但是委内瑞拉本月已按计划将日产量提高10万桶,并计划到2019年上半年将日产量提高100万桶。 张春晓 摘译自 道琼斯
Venezuela Says It May Boost Production by 500,000 Barrels a Day Venezuela may boost production by half-a-million barrels a day as part of a capacity ramp-up fuelled by Chinese funding, the oil minister of the troubled Latin American nation said Sunday. The pledge by Caracas is surprising because its production has declined by at least 800,000 barrels a day in the past two years following a financial crisis and U.S. sanctions. Speaking as he arrived for the gathering in Abu Dhabi, Venezuelan Oil Minister Manuel Quevedo said the country is producing about 1.5 million barrels a day. With the country’s quota set at 1.972 million a barrel a day in 2016, “we have about 500,000 barrels a day” left to increase, he said. Mr. Quevedo, who also heads state-run Petroleos de Venezuela SA, said Venezuela will comply with its production allocation. But he said Venezuela is already on track to boost output by 100,000 barrels a day this month and is planning to boost its production capacity by 1 million barrels a day by the first half of 2019.  
