BP已经与BOS Shelf,Saipem以及Star Gulf FZCO签署了价值15亿美元的合同,合同主要内容是运输和安装Shah Deniz二期工程(SD2)中的深水采油系统。
新型旗舰船Khankendi由Baku造船厂制造,为Shah Deniz二期工程水下设施安装提供必要的支持服务,该采油设备是里海有史以来最大的水下采油设施。
合同计划将在2022年中完成,并可延期5年,至2022-2027年,内容为提供里海东南,东北,西南部剩余的采油树、飞线以及深水管线安装服务。同时还包括Barge Israfil Huseinov管道的再利用和2019年二期管道的铺设安装。石油圈原创www.oilsns.com
来自/Natural Gas Europe 5月3日消息 编译/张弘引
The Shah Deniz consortium announced the award of a $1.5bn contract for the transport and installation of the deeper water subsea production systems for Shah Deniz Stage 2 to a consortium comprising BOS Shelf, Saipem Contracting and Star Gulf FZCO.
The scope of work is for the management and operation of the new-build subsea construction vessel (SCV) Khankendi for the transport and installation of the deeper water subsea production systems and subsea structures at all five flanks of the project, the operator of project BP said May 3.
The new flagship vessel Khankendi, which is under construction by Baku Shipyard, will provide essential support for the installation of the SD2 subsea structures – the biggest subsea production system ever built in the Caspian.
The contract scope is planned to be completed by the middle of 2022, with a five-year option to extend the contract to cover the installation of remaining trees, flying leads and jumpers at the East-South, East-North and West-South subsea flanks between 2022 and 2027. The scope also includes the reactivation of the pipe-lay Barge Israfil Huseinov and the second pipe-lay installation campaign of the deeper water flow-lines in 2019.
- 张弘引
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