Lundin石油公司宣布公司和其全资子公司Lundin Norway AS同Statoil ASA石油公司及其全资子公司Statoil Petroleum AS达成协议,公司收购Statoil Norway公司在Norway海上PL338区Edvard Grieg油田15%的份额,包括Edvard Grieg输油管道9%的份额和Utsira High输气管道6%的份额,协议生效日期为2016年1月1日。
来自/Youroilandgasnews 5月4日消息 编译/吴海君
Lundin Petroleum AB (Lundin Petroleum) is pleased to announce that Lundin Petroleum and its wholly-owned subsidiary Lundin Norway AS (Lundin Norway) have entered into agreements with Statoil ASA (Statoil) and its wholly-owned subsidiary Statoil Petroleum AS (Statoil Norway) under which Lundin Norway will acquire Statoil Norway’s entire 15 percent interest in the Edvard Grieg field in PL338, offshore Norway and all associated assets including a nine percent interest in the Edvard Grieg oil pipeline and a six percent interest in the Utsira High gas pipeline. The effective date of the acquisition of these assets is 1 January 2016.
In consideration for the acquisition of the assets, Lundin Petroleum has agreed to issue to Statoil 27,580,806 new shares of Lundin Petroleum (the Consideration Shares) based upon an agreed average share price of SEK 138 per share and a SEK/USD exchange rate of 8.098. In addition, Lundin Petroleum will transfer 2,000,000 shares held in treasury (the Treasury Shares) and issue 1,735,309 new shares (the New Shares) to Statoil in exchange for a cash consideration based upon a share price of SEK 145.66 per share (the ten day volume weighted average closing share price prior to and including the date of signing). Statoil currently owns approximately 37.1 million shares of Lundin Petroleum, representing 11.93 percent of the current issued and outstanding shares of Lundin Petroleum. Following completion of the transaction, including issuance of the Consideration Shares and New Shares and the transfer of the Treasury Shares, Statoil will own approximately 68.4 million shares of Lundin Petroleum, representing 20.1 percent of the then issued and outstanding shares of Lundin Petroleum. Following the transaction Lundin Petroleum will have 340,386,445 shares outstanding.
- 吴海君
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