
供应紧张 新加坡燃油码头交货溢价升至六年高位

中国石化新闻网讯 据普氏能源资讯新加坡11月8日消息称,普氏数据显示,新加坡380 CST船舱燃料码头交货溢价超过普氏新加坡380 CST高硫燃料油评估,周三亚洲收盘时升至六年高点,至17.82美元/吨。 普氏数据显示,这一溢价上一次高位出现在2012年2月7日,当时价格为19.04美元/吨。 一些燃料油供应商表示因为缺乏规格等级,他们没有销售燃料油,特别是即期交货。燃料供应商表示,HSFO货物的供应紧张也导致燃料市场短缺。 一位新加坡供应商表示:“本周溢价对我们来说非常好”,并补充说,供应紧张是因为大多数采购询盘都是针对如11月13日至17日等相对及时的装货日期。消息人士称,大量询盘导致可用泊位短缺,提高了运费。由于可用泊位的紧张,供应商表示他们不确定他们是否能够在稍微有缓冲的情况下及时装载并交付。 市场参与者表示,本月上半月的供应仍将保持紧张,但从11月20日起补货后,供应可能会有所缓解。。 新加坡的一位贸易商表示,除了燃油溢价上涨之外,“油价也非常高”,他指的是目前HSFO的价格相对较高。 与去年相比,新加坡的剩余库存量较低。Enterprise Singapore发布的最新数据显示,截至10月31日,库存为1545.6万桶,为9月19日以来的最低水平。数据显示,这一数字较去年同期下降了40.0%。 交易商已经放弃了他们的储罐租赁,而高硫燃料油的高溢价令持有库存的贸易商失去了信心。 另一方面,燃料贸易商表示,燃料需求相对稳定,。 交易商表示,10月份来自西方的套利货物流入量低于正常月份。燃料油贸易商表示,补充的HSFO货物将于11月下半月抵达。 陈菲 摘译自 普氏能源资讯 原文如下: Singapore ex-wharf bunker premium rises to six-year high amid tight supply The Singapore ex-wharf 380 CST bunker fuel premium over the Mean of Platts Singapore 380 CST high sulfur fuel oil assessment rose to a six-year high of $17.82/mt at the Asian close on Wednesday, S&P Global Platts data showed. The premium was last higher on February 7, 2012, when it was at $19.04/mt, Platts data showed. Some bunker suppliers said they were not selling bunker fuel due to a lack of on-specification grades especially for prompt delivery. A tightness in supply of HSFO cargoes has also left the bunker market short, bunker suppliers said. “The premiums were very good for us this week,” a Singapore supplier said, adding that the tightness was because most of the buying enquiries were for relatively prompt loading dates such as November 13-17. The large number of enquiries has resulted in a shortage of available berths, raising the delivery premium, the source said. Due to the tightness in available berths, suppliers said they were uncertain if they were able to load for delivery in time, with a little buffer. According to market participants, supply in the first-half of this month is going to remain tight, but this may ease after replenishment arrive from November 20 onwards. Apart from the rise in bunker premiums, “the cost of oil is also very high,” a trader based in Singapore said, referring to the relatively high price of HSFO at the moment. Singapore’s residue stocks have been low compared with last year. The stock stood at 15.456 million barrels as of October 31, the lowest since September 19, latest data from Enterprise Singapore showed. This was down 40.0% from a year earlier, the data showed. Traders have been giving up their lease of storage tanks, while the hefty high sulfur fuel oil backwardation has discouraged traders from holding stocks. On the other hand, bunker demand has been relatively steady, bunker traders said. The inflow of arbitrage cargoes from the West was lower in October than normal months, traders said. The replenishment HSFO cargo will arrive in the second-half of November, fuel oil traders said.  
