
挪威OKEA获准收购壳牌Draugen和Gjoa 油气田

中国石化新闻网讯 据WENews.com网站11月7日奥斯陆报道,挪威石油和能源部和挪威财政部日前批准了这笔来自壳牌挪威公司和挪威OKEA石油公司之间的交易。根据交易,壳牌挪威公司将把其与位于挪威海的Draugen油田和位于北海的Gjoa油气田有关的许可证转让给挪威OKEA公司。 挪威这家总部位于挪威特隆赫姆的石油公司在一份新闻稿中表示,挪威石油部已批准OKEA石油公司成为Draugen油田的新运营商。 新闻稿说,两家公司打算在11月30日完成这笔交易。 这家得到私人股本公司Seacrest Capital OKEA支持的挪威石油生产公司今年6月初已同意以5.56亿美元价格收购位挪威海上的Draugen油田和Gjoa油气田的经营权益。 壳牌挪威公司在这两个油田中的资产份额产量在2017年为2.5万桶油当量/天,约占壳牌挪威公司2017年总产量的14%。 壳牌公司上游主管Andy Brown表示,这笔交易“符合我们高品位和简化投资组合的策略”,这是壳牌公司3年300亿美元资产剥离计划的一部分。 李峻 编译自 WENews.com 原文如下: OKEA Gets Approval to Acquire Shell’s Draugen, Gjoa Fields The Ministry of Petroleum and Energy and Ministry of Finance has approved the transaction from AS Norske Shell and OKEA concerning the transfer of the licenses associated with the Draugen field in the Norwegian Sea and the Gjøa field in the North Sea.
The Trondheim-based oil company informed in a press release that the Ministry of Petroleum has also approved OKEA as new operator for the Draugen field.
AS Norske Shell and OKEA AS aims to close the transaction on 30th November, it said.
Norwegian producer backed by private equity firm Seacrest Capital OKEA has agreed to acquire the working interests of AS Norske Shell in Draugen (44.56%) and Gjoa (12%) fields offshore Norway for $556 million in early June this year.
Shell’s share of the assets’ production amounted to 25,000 boe/d in 2017, representing about 14% of Shell’s Norwegian production in 2017.
The deal, “consistent with our strategy to high-grade and simplify our portfolio,” said Andy Brown, Shell’s upstream director, is part of the company’s 3-year, $30-billion divestment program
