

中国石化新闻网讯 据普氏能源资讯11月7日休斯敦消息称,森普拉能源公司周三表示,它已与买家达成初步协议,如果最终敲定,协议将涵盖位于墨西哥下加利福尼亚州的Energia Costa Azul液化天然气出口终端的第一阶段的所有液化能力。 这家总部位于圣地亚哥的电力和天然气供应商表示,该公司与法国道达尔的子公司和日本三井公司及东京燃气公司达成协议,将于明年晚些时候对该项目做出最终投资决定。 在此之前,森普拉本周早些时候宣布与道达尔就墨西哥项目的产能和正在路易斯安那州建设的卡梅伦液化天然气出口终端的二期项目的产能签订了一份谅解备忘录。预计原料气将在今年年底前开始向卡梅伦输送液化天然气,并于2019年初将首次投产并出口。 公司首席运营官Joseph Householder在一份声明中表示:“这三个HOA标志着ECA液化出口项目发展的重要里程碑,支持了森普拉能源成为北美首屈一指的能源基础设施公司的战略愿景。” 多年来,墨西哥国内天然气产量不足以满足其发电和家庭取暖需求。因此,它一直在从美国进口大量天然气,并建造新的管道以进口更多天然气。 然而,最近,人们对可能在墨西哥西海岸增加液化天然气出口设施产生了极大兴趣,因为与美国墨西哥湾的海运距离相比,它更接近世界上最大的液化天然气进口国亚洲。 这就是Energia Costa Azul将要进入的地方。目前在圣地亚哥南部有一个再气化终端。如果液化项目进展顺利,一期工程将建设一个年产240万公吨的一条生产线出口设施。一些美国液化天然气出口终端已经或正在以前的再气化设施所在地增加。除了卡梅伦液化天然气和拟议的Energia Costa Azul项目外,森普拉还参与了德克萨斯州亚瑟港的出口项目。与Energia Costa Azul一样,在亚瑟港尚未达成FID。道达尔和三井是Sempra在卡梅伦液化天然气项目中的两个合资伙伴。 森普拉旗下IEnova和Sempra LNG&Midstream与法国和日本买家签署的签署了一份协议,要求双方谈判并最终确定具有约束力的为期20年LNG买卖协议。森普拉表示,三家买家各自每年可能从Energia Costa Azul购买约80万吨液化天然气。 在液化天然气商业谈判中,框架协议代表了达成稳固协议的更高级阶段,而不是通常要求各方合作和/或参与谈判的谅解备忘录。7月,美国液化天然气出口商切尼尔能源公司宣布与台湾国有石油和天然气公司CPC达成每年200万吨液化天然气的协议。一个月后双方达成了一份坚定的长期销售和购买协议。 如果Sempra明年晚些时候在Energia Costa Azul项目上达到最终投资决定,那么潜在的第一批液化天然气交付可能会在2023年完成。 曹海斌 摘译自 普氏能源资讯 原文如下: Sempra commercial talks over proposed LNG export terminal in Mexico advance Sempra Energy said Wednesday it has reached preliminary agreements with buyers that, if finalized, would cover all of the liquefaction capacity for the first phase of its proposed Energia Costa Azul LNG export terminal in Baja California, Mexico. The San Diego-based power and gas provider said the heads of agreement with affiliates of France’s Total and Japan’s Mitsui and Tokyo Gas put it on target to make a final investment decision on the project by late next year. The commercial developments follow Sempra’s announcement earlier this week of a memorandum of understanding with Total regarding capacity from the Mexico project and the second phase of its Cameron LNG export terminal under construction in Louisiana. Feedgas is expected to begin flowing to Cameron LNG before the end of the year, with first production and exports in early 2019. “These three HOAs mark a significant milestone for the development of the ECA liquefaction export-project, supporting Sempra Energy’s strategic vision of becoming North America’s premier energy infrastructure company,” Chief Operating Officer Joseph Householder said in a statement. For years, Mexico has had insufficient domestic production of natural gas to meet its power generation and home heating needs. As a result, it has been importing large amounts of natural gas from the US and building new pipelines to import even more. Recently, however, there has been a great deal of interest in possibly adding LNG export facilities on the West Coast of Mexico because of the proximity to Asia, the world’s biggest importer of LNG, compared with the shipping distance from the US Gulf Coast. That’s where Energia Costa Azul would come in. There is currently a regasification terminal at the site, south of San Diego. If the liquefaction project moves forward, Phase 1 calls for a one-train export facility with capacity of 2.4 million mt/year. Several US LNG export terminals have been or are being added at the sites of former regasification facilities. Besides Cameron LNG and the proposed Energia Costa Azul project, Sempra is also involved in a proposed export project in Port Arthur, Texas. Like with Energia Costa Azul, an FID has yet to be reached at Port Arthur. Total and Mitsui are two of Sempra’s joint-venture partners in the Cameron LNG project. The heads of agreement that Sempra units IEnova and Sempra LNG & Midstream have signed with the French and Japanese buyers call for the parties to negotiate and finalize binding 20-year LNG sales-and-purchase agreements. The three buyers each will potentially purchase approximately 0.8 million mt/year of LNG from Energia Costa Azul, Sempra said. In LNG commercial talks, heads of agreement represent a more advanced stage in reaching a firm deal than memorandums of understanding, which typically call for the parties to cooperate and/or participate in negotiations. In July, US LNG exporter Cheniere Energy announced heads of agreement with Taiwanese state-owned oil and gas company CPC for 2 million mt/year of LNG. A firm long-term sales and purchase agreement was reached a month later. If Sempra reaches a positive FID on the Energia Costa Azul project as targeted late next year, potential first LNG deliveries could occur in 2023.  
