

中国石化新闻网讯 据路透社11月6日伦敦报道,液化天然气运输成本已达到每天20万美元,超过2012年的峰值:每天18万美元。 据Jefferies的分析师称,亚太地区的整体平均价格为17万美元,较两周前上升了约20%;大西洋流域的总体平均价格仍然是每天14万美元左右。 根据IGU的数据,去年底,在冬季最热的时候,这两个地区的平均价格约为每天8万至8.5万美元。 在北半球冬季和夏季,天然气被用于加热或冷却,液化天然气的运价往往会上升。 由于新工厂的供应、更长的运输行程和对价格上涨的预期,运费也出现了上涨,这促使托运人锁定了期限更长的合同。 航运利率从三年来低迷的水平回升,已开始提振天然气航运公司的收益,如Gaslog公司,Golar公司以及Hoegh公司。 詹晓晶摘自路透社 原文如下: LNG shipping rates hit all-time high ahead of winter traffic The cost of shipping liquefied natural gas (LNG) has hit $200,000 a day, exceeding a 2012 peak of $180,000 a day. The headline average is $170,000 for Asia Pacific, according to analysts at Jefferies, up around 20 percent from two weeks ago. The headline average for the Atlantic Basin remains around $140,000 a day. This compares to an average of around $80,000 to $85,000 a day in both basins at the end of last year, at the height of winter, according to the IGU. LNG shipping rates tend to go up during the Northern Hemisphere winter and summer when gas is used for heating or cooling. But rates have also jumped due to supply from new plants, longer distances travelled and anticipation of higher prices prompting shippers to lock in longer-duration contracts. A recovery in the shipping rates from about three years of depressed levels has begun to boost earnings of LNG shipping companies such as Gaslog, Golar and Hoegh .  
