中国石化新闻网讯 据路透社纽约报道,美国能源信息管理局周二称,美国原油产量预计在2019年平均每日达1206万桶,在国内页岩产量激增的情况下,将超过每天1200万桶的里程碑。 预计2019年的产量将比上一年增加116万桶/日,高于能源信息管理局先前预测的102万桶/日的增长。 该机构的月度报告称,EIA预计在2019年第二季度的产量将超过1200万桶/日,比其此前预计的第四季度要快。 预计今年的产量将增加155万桶/日,达到1090万桶。这一预测的增长是一个向上的修正,而其早先的估计为每日增长139万桶。 页岩气革命推动美国原油产量升至创纪录高点,与顶级产油国俄罗斯不相上下,并超过沙特阿拉伯。10月份,俄罗斯的石油产量又达到30年来的新高,至每天1141万桶。美国产量的增长很大程度上来自于美国最大的油田——二叠纪盆地和巴肯盆地,那里的产量飙升到了新的高峰。 美国能源署署长Linda Capuano表示:“美国原油产量在2018年8月达到了创纪录的里程碑,当时它的日产量首次超过了1100万桶。美国的石油产量已经超过了EIA先前的预期,因此,短期前景预测美国的原油产量在2019年将超过每天1200万桶。” EIA表示,美国2018年的石油需求预计将以每天51万桶的速度增长至2047万桶/日,这使其先前预测的每天45万桶的石油需求上升至2041万桶/日。在2019年,石油需求估计将增加22万桶/日,比先前估计的增加23万桶/日,略有下降。 詹晓晶摘自路透社 原文如下: U.S. crude output to surpass 12 million barrels per day by mid 2019 U.S. crude oil production is expected to average 12.06 million barrels per day (bpd) in 2019, passing the 12 million bpd milestone sooner than expected on surging domestic shale output, the U.S. Energy Information Administration said on Tuesday. For 2019, production is expected to rise 1.16 million bpd from the prior year, more than EIA’s previous forecast for a 1.02-million bpd rise. The agency’s monthly report said EIA expects production to surge above 12 million bpd in the second quarter of 2019, sooner than its previous estimate of the fourth quarter. Output this year is forecast to rise by 1.55 million bpd to 10.90 million bpd. That projected increase is an upward revision from its earlier estimate of a 1.39 million bpd rise. A shale revolution has helped push U.S. crude production to record highs, rivaling top producer Russia and outpacing Saudi Arabia. Russian oil output reached another 30-year high of 11.41 million barrels per day in October. The increase in U.S. production has largely come from the Permian basin, the largest U.S. oilfield, and the Bakken, where production has soared to new peaks. “U.S. crude oil production reached a record milestone in August 2018, when it exceeded 11 million barrels per day for the first time,” EIA Administrator Linda Capuano said. “U.S. production has exceeded EIA’s previous expectations and, as a result, the short-term outlook now forecasts U.S. crude oil production to exceed 12 million barrels per day in 2019.” For 2018, U.S. oil demand is expected to rise by 510,000 bpd to 20.47 million bpd, EIA said, slightly raising its previous forecast of a 450,000 bpd rise to 20.41 million bpd. For 2019, oil demand is estimated to rise by 220,000 bpd, a small downward revision from the previous estimate of a rise of 230,000 bpd.