

中国石化新闻网讯 据路透社报道,美国页岩生产商先锋自然资源公司周二公布的第三季度利润高于分析师的预期,该公司预计其二叠纪盆地产量将会上升。 该公司预计,二叠纪盆地第四季度的石油日产量为29.3万桶石油当量至30.3万桶石油当量。在本季度,先锋自然资源公司在二叠纪盆地的日产量为28.8万桶石油当量。 由于输油管道产能紧张,导致该地区原油价格下跌,迫使一些运营商放慢生产活动,或寻找其他油田以提高产量。 然而,总部位于休斯顿的先锋公司从合同中受益,他们将石油和天然气从二叠纪运往美国墨西哥湾沿岸,在那里价格更高。 该公司公布的季度原油平均实际价格每桶上涨27%,至57.54美元。美国原油价格较上年同期上涨45%,第三季度末达到每桶75美元左右。 先锋自然资源公司表示,由于运输合同的关系,第三季度的增量现金流为2亿美元。 该公司报告称,第三季度对冲亏损1.35亿美元。和许多同行一样,公司的盈利受到了对冲合约亏损的打击,这使得该公司无法充分实现油价飙升。 公司总产量增长16%,达到每天320659桶石油当量。 该公司截至9月30日的季度净收入为4.11亿美元,即每股收入2.39美元,而上年同期亏损2300万美元,即每股亏损13美分。 根据Refinitiv的数据,经过调整,该公司每股盈利2.07美元,超过了分析师估计的1.67美元。 詹晓晶摘自路透社 原文如下: Pioneer Natural quarterly profit beats on higher oil prices U.S. shale producer Pioneer Natural Resources Co (PXD.N) beat analysts’ estimates for third-quarter profit on Tuesday on higher oil prices and said it expects its Permian basin output to rise. The company expects fourth-quarter production from the basin to be between 293,000 barrels oil equivalent per day (boe/d) and 303,000 boe/d. Pioneer Natural produced 288,000 boe/d from the region in the reported quarter. Tight pipeline capacity has pushed the price of crude from the region lower, forcing some operators to slow down production activity or look at other oilfields to boost output. However, Houston-based Pioneer has benefited from contracts to transport its oil and gas from the Permian to the U.S. Gulf Coast, where they fetch higher prices. The company’s average realized prices for a barrel of oil jumped 27 percent to $57.54 in the reported quarter. U.S. crude prices rose 45 percent from a year earlier, to about $75 a barrel at the end of the third quarter. Pioneer said it had an incremental cash flow of $200 million in the third quarter, due to the transportation contracts. The company reported $135 million in hedging losses in the quarter. Like many of its peers, the company’s earnings have taken a hit from losses on hedging contracts, which has kept it from fully realizing a surge in oil prices. Total production rose 16 percent to 320,659 boe/d. Net income attributable to the company was $411 million, or $2.39 per share, in the quarter ended Sept. 30, compared with a loss of $23 million, or 13 cents per share, a year earlier. On an adjusted basis, the company earned $2.07 per share, beating analysts’ estimate of $1.67, according to IBES data from Refinitiv. ​  
