

中国石化新闻网讯 据普氏能源资讯11月6日伦敦报道称,全球船用燃料供应商爱琴海海运石油公司周二表示,该公司已根据美国破产法第11章提交破产申请。 爱琴海公司表示,商品贸易公司摩科瑞能源集团已同意向该公司提供5.32亿美元的融资,以资助其运营以及爱琴海的营运资金需求,并将在其销售流程中作为“伪装投标者,旨在优化公司的价值作为持续经营。” 上周五,爱琴海海运公司宣布的审计结果显示,由于一家前附属公司挪用资产,而导致该公司损失高达3亿美元 -高于其此前曾表示需要注销的2亿美元。 4月30日,爱琴海错过了,向美国证交会提交了2017年年报的最后期限。随后该公司表示,由于涉嫌不当交易,其被迫注销了2亿美元的坏账。 但该公司今年7月表示,已与摩科瑞能源集团达成协议,根据该协议,摩科瑞将提供10亿美元的贸易融资机制,旨在支持爱琴海的美国和全球循环信贷融资。摩科瑞还同意向爱琴海提供至少3000万美元的流动资金。 徐蕾 摘译自 普氏能源资讯 原文如下: Global bunker fuel supplier Aegean Marine files for bankruptcy Global bunker fuel supplier Aegean Marine Petroleum has made a filing under Chapter 11 of the US bankruptcy code, the company said Tuesday. Commodity trading company Mercuria Energy Group has agreed to provide the company with $532 million in financing to fund the Chapter 11 process and Aegean’s working capital needs, and will serve as a “stalking horse bidder in a sale process designed to optimize the value of the company as a going concern,” Aegean said. On Friday Aegean announced audit results showing it had lost up to $300 million due to misappropriation of assets by a former affiliate — up from the $200 million the company had previously said would need to be written off. Aegean missed an April 30 deadline to file its 2017 annual report to the US Securities and Exchange Commission, and subsequently said it was forced to write off as much as $200 million in bad debts due to suspected improper deals. But in July the company said it had reached an agreement with Mercuria under which Mercuria would provide a $1 billion trade finance facility intended to support Aegean’s US and global revolving credit facilities. Mercuria also agreed to provide at least $30 million of increased liquidity to Aegean.  
