

中国石化新闻网讯 据路透社11月7日报道称,加纳能源部长Peter Amewu周三表示,加纳已经批准国有企业GOIL作为埃森克美孚深水海上油田的少数当地合作伙伴。 Amewu告诉记者,上个月政府启动了首轮海上区块招标后,这个西非国家正受到国际和当地石油公司的“强烈追捧”。 政府表示,埃克森美孚于1月份与加纳签署了一项协议,在未经公开招标的情况下进行了直接谈判,对油田开始了勘探工作,油田勘探深度在2,000至4,000米之间。 这家美国石油巨头是该油田的主要运营商,持有80%的权益,而国营企业加纳国家石油公司持有15%的股份。该交易要求当地的合作伙伴拥有剩余5%的股份。 Amewu说,埃克森大约两周前任命GOIL为合作伙伴,政府已经给予部长级别的同意。 徐蕾 摘译自 路透社 原文如下: Ghana approves state-owned oil company as partner in Exxon Mobil’s deepwater oilfield Ghana has approved state-owned company GOIL as minority local partner for Exxon Mobil’s deepwater offshore oilfield, Energy Minister Peter Amewu said on Wednesday. The West African nation is receiving “huge interest” from international and local oil companies after the government launched its first bidding rounds for offshore blocks last month, Amewu told reporters. Exxon Mobil signed a deal with Ghana in January for exploration at the oilfield after direct negotiations without an open tender because of the nature of the field, where the depth ranges from 2,000 to 4,000 metres, the government said. The U.S. oil major is lead operator with 80 percent interest in the field, while state-run Ghana National Petroleum Corporation holds 15 percent. The deal required a local partner to own the remaining 5 percent. Exxon named GOIL as the partner about two weeks ago and the government has given the consent it needed at the ministerial level, Amewu said.  
