中国石化新闻网讯 据OGJ10月31日休斯敦报道,英国石油公司(BP PLC)以105亿美元收购必和必拓美国非常规资产后,将其BP Lower 48公司更名为BPX Energy (OGJ Online, 2018年7月27日)。 该交易于7月宣布,将使油气产量增加19万桶油当量/天, 和在得克萨斯州二叠纪和鹰福特盆地以及东德克萨斯州和路易斯安那州的海恩斯维尔天然气盆地等富含液体的地区发现的46亿桶油当量的油气资源。 英国石油公司在美国陆上油气产量和资源中的液态烃比例分别从目前的14%和17%上升至27%和29%。 预计这笔交易将产生逾3.5亿美元的年度税前协同效应,预计将使上游税前自由现金流增加10亿美元,至2021年达到140 – 150亿美元。 9月,英国石油公司在美国的陆上业务迁入丹佛的新总部办公室(OGJ Online, 2016年12月15日)。 蔡小全 编译自 OGJ 原文如下: BP’s Lower 48 business becomes BPX Energy BP PLC changed the name of its Lower 48 business to BPX Energy following the completion of its $10.5-billion acquisition of BHP’s US unconventional assets (OGJ Online, July 27, 2018). Announced in July, the deal adds oil and gas production of 190,000 boe/d and 4.6 billion boe of discovered resources in the liquids-rich regions of the Permian and Eagle Ford basins in Texas and in the Haynesville natural gas basin in East Texas and Louisiana. The liquid hydrocarbon proportion of BP’s production and resources in the US onshore increases to 27% of production and 29% of resources from the current 14% and 17%, respectively. Estimated to generate more than $350 million of annual pretax synergies, the transaction is expected to increase upstream pretax free cash flow by $1 billion, to $14-15 billion in 2021. BP’s US onshore business moved into its new headquarters office in Denver in September (OGJ Online, Dec. 15, 2016).