

中国石化新闻网讯 据俄罗斯Neftegaz.RU网站10月30日莫斯科报道,俄罗斯第2大天然气生产公司诺瓦泰克(NOVATEK)30日在莫斯科宣布,该公司麾下子公司Yargeo公司拥有的亚鲁杰斯科耶油田(Yarudeyskoye field)自投产以来的累计原油总产量达到了1000万吨的里程碑。 亚鲁杰斯科耶油田在2015年12月开始商业生产,到2016年1月已达到其满负荷生产能力。 亚鲁杰斯科耶油田是诺瓦泰克资产组合中最大的原油资产,具有独特的地质特征。由于应用了先进的钻井和完井技术,亚鲁杰斯科耶油田平均每口井的原油日产量超过了350吨。 亚鲁杰斯科耶油田的平均原油流量是西西伯利亚地区产量最高的油田之一。 诺瓦泰克的专家们与俄罗斯设计组织和研究机构一起共同开发了能使油田原油产量得以优化并在最短时间内达到设计能力的技术解决方案。 李峻 编译自 Neftegaz.RU 原文如下: Yarudeyskoye field produced 10 Million tons of crude oil Neftegaz.RU. NOVATEK announced that cumulative production at the Yarudeyskoye field owned by the company’s subsidiary Yargeo, reached a milestone of 10 million tons of crude oil production since the commencement of operations. The field’s commercial production commenced in December 2015, and by January 2016, the field reached its full productive capacity. The Yarudeyskoye field is the largest crude oil asset in the company’s portfolio, and is characterized by unique geology, which combined with the application of state-of-the-art drilling and completion technologies allowed us to achieve the average production flow rate of more than 350 tons per day per well. The field’s average flow rate is one of the highest production output amongst fields producing in Western Siberia. NOVATEK’s specialists, together with Russian design organizations and research institutes, developed technological solutions that made it possible to optimize the field’s crude oil output and reach its design capacity in minimal time.  
