

中国石化新闻网讯 据烃加工在线10月31日消息,埃克森美孚公司位于比利时安特卫普炼油厂内的一套新建装置已经投产,该装置可以将重质高硫渣油转化成为船舶柴油和柴油等高附加值运输燃料。 这套5万桶/日的新建装置的建成投产扩大了该炼油厂满足西北欧市场清洁运输燃料需求的能力。埃克森美孚在这套新的焦化装置方面的投资还将帮助满足预期中的低硫燃料油需求,以符合国际海事组织(IMO)将于2020年开始实施的船舶燃料新规。 张春晓 摘译自 烃加工在线 原文如下: ExxonMobil starts new unit at Antwerp refinery ExxonMobil has started operations of a new unit at its Antwerp refinery in Belgium to convert heavy, higher-sulfur residual oils into high-value transportation fuels such as marine gasoil and diesel. The new 50,000 barrel-per-day unit expands the refinery’s capacity to meet demand for cleaner transportation fuels throughout northwest Europe. The company’s investment in the new coker will also help meet anticipated demand for lower-sulfur fuel oil to comply with new standards to be implemented by the International Maritime Organization in 2020.  
