
切尼尔于11月15日在Corpus Christi港口交付首批LNG

中国石化新闻网讯 据路透社10月30日伦敦报道,德州港口首席执行官星期二表示,切尼尔能源公司将于11月15日委托新的科珀斯克里斯蒂(Corpus Christi)出口码头交付其首批LNG货物。 这批货物的交付使用比计划提前了几个月,标志着切尼尔的第二个LNG出口设施和美国第三个主要出口设施开始运作。 从今年夏天开始,科珀斯克里斯蒂码头一直在进行调试工作,虽然计划在明年上半年投产,但切尼尔曾经表示,先前的第一批LNG将在今年年底前投产。 科珀斯克里斯蒂港口的首席执行官Sean Strawbridge在伦敦液化天然气会议上表示,将于11月15日在该港口举行一次活动,以标志货物的试运。 根据一些预测,美国的LNG供应预计将在未来几年大幅增加,到2020年,随着新设施的建设打开LNG出口的大门,美国将成为全球第三大出口国。 目前,美国正在建设约5000万吨的出口能力,其中大部分位于墨西哥湾沿岸地区,此外还有2000万吨的出口能力在运作。去年全球约有2.9亿吨LNG被交易。 詹晓晶摘自路透社 原文如下: Cheniere to commission 1st Corpus Christi LNG cargo on Nov 15 – port Cheniere Energy will commission the first liquefied natural gas (LNG) cargo from its new Corpus Christi export terminal on Nov. 15, the Texas port’s chief executive said on Tuesday. The commissioning of the cargo, months ahead of schedule, will mark the start of operations at Cheniere’s second LNG export facility and only the third major export facility in the United States. The Corpus Christi terminal had been undergoing commissioning work since the summer and while it was scheduled to come onstream in the first half of next year, Cheniere had said previously first LNG would come before the end of the year. Sean Strawbridge, CEO of the Port of Corpus Christi, where the terminal is located, told a London LNG conference that an event to mark the commissioning of the cargo would take place at the port on Nov. 15. LNG supplies from the United States are expected to soar in the coming years, turning the country into the third largest global exporter by 2020 according to some forecasts, as new facilities are built opening the tap for LNG exports. Around 50 million tonnes’ worth of export capacity is currently under construction in the United States, mostly on the Gulf Coast, adding to the 20 million tonnes in operation. Some 290 million tonnes of LNG was traded globally last year. ​  
