

中国石化新闻网讯 据WENews.com网站10月31日莫斯科报道,俄罗斯石油天然气巨头俄罗斯天然气工业股份公司(俄气/Gazprom)今天在莫斯科宣布,俄气时下正在推进多个横跨黑海的天然气管道项目,其中三个主要项目已经完成95.5%。 俄气说,土耳其溪天然气管道项目将很快完成其海上部分,从而使俄罗斯更接近向土耳其及其邻国供应俄罗斯天然气的目标。 俄气表示:“俄气继续推进巨大的东部天然气项目以及建造与向国内消费者和中国供应天然气相关的设施。尤其是,在作为雅库特天然气生产中心关键的恰扬金斯科耶油气田迄今已完钻127口产气井。俄气董事会发布的一份文件称:“目前,这个油气田核心处理设备的安装工作也在进行中。” 在雅库特和中俄边境之间,西伯利亚力量天然气管道项目共2064公里长的管子已焊接和铺设完。这意味着西伯利亚力量管道项目已完成95.5%的管道铺设。 西伯利亚力量管道的两条穿越阿穆尔河的管线已完工90%。阿塔曼斯卡亚压缩机站正在中俄边境附近修建。 李峻 编译自 WENews.com 原文如下: Gazprom 95% Completes TurkStream Gas Pipeline’s Offshore Section Russian oil and gas giant Gazprom is progressing a number of gas pipeline stretching across the Black Sea projects with three major projects already 95.5 percent complete, the company claimed. The TurkStream will soon see the completion of its offshore section, bringing closer a consistent the supply of Russian gas to Turkey and its neighbours. “The Company continues to pursue the extensive Eastern Gas Program and to build facilities associated with supplying gas to domestic consumers and to China. In particular, 127 producing gas wells were drilled at the Chayandinskoye field, the linchpin of the Yakutia gas production center. Also underway is the installation of the gas field’s core process equipment,” a release from Gazprom Board of Directors said.
A total of 2,064 kilometers of pipes are already welded and laid for the Power of Siberia gas pipeline between Yakutia and the Russian-Chinese border. This translates into 95.5 per cent of the pipeline length.
Power of Siberia’s two-string submerged crossing under the Amur River is 90 per cent complete, with pipe pulling finished in both tunnels. The Atamanskaya compressor station is being built near the border.  
