

中国石化新闻网讯 据路透社新加坡报道,国际能源署(IEA)执行主任周二表示,高油价正在损害消费者利益,也可能对生产商产生不利影响。
国际能源署主席Fatih Birol在新加坡的能源会议上说:“许多国家的经常账户赤字受到了高油价的影响。”
预计电动汽车的崛起将导致未来几年对柴油和汽油等产品的需求达到高峰,塑料等产品的消费热潮以及航空燃料需求的增长,引发了对石化产品和飞机燃料等高质量产品的大规模炼油投资。 詹晓晶摘自路透社
原文如下: High oil prices hurt consumers, dent fuel demand: IEA chief High oil prices are hurting consumers and could also have adverse implications for producers, the executive director of the International Energy Agency (IEA) said on Tuesday. Major emerging Asian economies such as India and Indonesia have been hit hard this year by rising crude oil prices, which despite falls this month are up by around 15 percent since the start of 2018. Fuel import costs have been pushed up further by a slide in emerging market currencies against the dollar, denting growth and even triggering protests and government fuel price controls in India. “Many countries’ current account deficits have been affected by high oil prices,” IEA chief Fatih Birol said at an energy conference in Singapore. “There are two downward pressures on global oil demand growth. One is high oil prices, and in many countries they’re directly related to consumer prices. The second one is global economic growth momentum slowing down.” The effect of high oil prices will be compounded in Southeast Asia as demand is rising fast but production is falling, resulting in the region becoming a net importer of oil, gas and coal, Birol said. Despite the possibility of a slowdown, Birol said the general outlook for fuel consumption was for continued growth. While the rise of electric vehicles is expected to result in peak demand for products like diesel and gasoline within coming years, a consumption boom in products such as plastic as well as fuel demand growth from aviation have triggered large-scale refinery investment into petrochemical products and high quality products like jet fuel.
