

中国石化新闻网讯 据安迅思新闻伦敦10月30日消息,尽管天然气库存仍低于去年的水平,欧洲天然气库存消退期已经开始。安迅思整理的数据显示,10月28日欧洲天然气库存首次出现入不敷出,比去年提前了两天。当前欧洲的天然气储量约为750亿立方米,与去年同期相比减少了近20亿立方米。当前欧洲液化天然气(LNG)库存高于去年同期,但仅增加了约3亿立方米。今年包括荷兰、英国和比利时在内的欧洲拥有LNG终端的国家越来越多地将LNG作为天然气的弹性来源。安迅思航运平台LNG Edge显示,未来一周有四艘满载LNG的船只前往英国,11艘前往法国,两艘前往荷兰和比利时。这将补充一些LNG库存。 唐绍红 摘译自 ICIS 原文如下:Gas storage withdrawal season begins in Europe Natural gas storage withdrawal season has begun in Europe, despite stocks remaining below last year’s levels. Net withdrawals took place for the first time on 28 October, according to data collated by ICIS, two days earlier than withdrawals began last year. Europe had around 75 billion cubic metres (bcm) of gas in store as withdrawals began, almost 2bcm lower than on the same date last year. LNG stocks are higher than on the same date last year, but only by around 300 million cubic metres (mcm). Countries with LNG terminals, including the Netherlands, Britain and Belgium, have been increasingly using this as a source of flexibility this year. ICIS shipping platform LNG Edge shows four laden vessels heading for Britain in the coming week, as well as 11 to France and two apiece to the Netherlands and Belgium. This will replenish some of the LNG stocks.
