中国石化新闻网讯 据道琼斯10月30日消息,费氏全球能源咨询公司董事James Davis称,委内瑞拉和利比亚原油产量强于预期令石油市场措手不及,导致美国原油出口趋平。他称,这转而导致美国原油剩余更多进入库存。Davis还称,炼油厂利润率下降也拖累了原油需求。美国对伊朗的制裁从下周才开始生效,但原油市场有可能会出现一段时间以来最糟糕的月度表现。唐绍红 摘译自 道琼斯原文如下:DJ Higher Libyan, Venezuelan Oil Output Weighing on Markets Stronger-than-expected crude oil production in Venezuela and Libya have caught oil markets out as the development is leading to a flattening of US exports of the fuel, says James Davis, director at Facts Global Energy. That in turn is resulting in US crude surpluses going more into storage, he says. Weaker refinery margins are also weighing on crude demand, Davis adds. Though US sanctions on Iran are set to take effect from next week, oil markets are on track to record their worst monthly performance in some time.