

中国石化新闻网讯 据路透社10月30日新加坡消息称,菲律宾能源部长周二表示,菲律宾已经选出三家不同的集团,以建立和运营其首个液化天然气(LNG)进口终端,并希望在11月之前提名一家。 Alfonso Cusi在新加坡国际能源周的间隙向路透社表示,他们从提交该项目提案的18家公司中选出了入围公司。 Cusi表示,其中包括正在为该项目寻找合作伙伴的菲律宾国家石油公司(PNOC),而东京天然气公司已经与菲律宾第一代公司(First Gen Corp.)建立了合作伙伴关系。 Cusi说,中国海洋石油总公司(CNOOC)也在筹备中,但尚未确定当地的合作伙伴。他补充说,中海油一直在以合作伙伴身份与菲律宾凤凰石油公司进行谈判。 Cusi表示:“希望我们可以在11月底之前就接受的提案得出结论。” 由于该国马拉姆帕亚(Malampaya)油气田的国内天然气供应将于2024年耗尽,菲律宾预计将开始进口液化天然气,以供应首都马尼拉以南巴丹加斯省的燃气发电厂。 Cusi表示,除满足当地需求外,菲律宾还希望该终端成为该地区的液化天然气贸易中心。 “我们应该在其他国家做此事之前将其制度化。” PNOC上周正式宣布,它正在寻找一家合资伙伴,在巴坦加斯湾设计、建造、融资、运营和维护一个液化天然气中心,该中心靠近向该国吕宋岛供电的燃气发电厂。 投标人必须在12月21日之前向PNOC提交资格文件。 First Gen发言人表示,该公司已开放接收LNG项目的合作伙伴,但她不知道First Gen和东京燃气之间有任何合资协议或谈判。First Gen经营着该国五家燃气发电厂中的四家。 曹海斌 摘译自 路透社 原文如下: Philippines short-lists three company groups for LNG terminal project The Philippines has short-listed three different groups to build and operate its first liquefied natural gas (LNG) import terminal and hopes to nominate one by November, its energy minister said on Tuesday. Short-listed companies were chosen from 18 groups that submitted proposals for the project, Alfonso Cusi told Reuters on the sidelines of the Singapore International Energy Week. They include state-owned Philippines National Oil Company (PNOC), which is seeking a partner for the project, Cusi said, while Tokyo Gas has partnered with the Philippines’ First Gen Corp. China National Offshore Oil Corp (CNOOC) is also in the running, although it has yet to firm up a local partner, Cusi said. CNOOC has been in talks with the Philippines’ Phoenix Petroleum as a partner, he added. “Hopefully we can have a conclusion on which proposal to accept by the end of November,” Cusi said. The Philippines is expected to start importing LNG to feed gas-fired power plants in Batangas province, south of the capital Manila, as domestic gas supplies from its Malampaya field are set to run out in 2024. Besides meeting local demand, the Philippines also hopes the terminal would become an LNG trading hub for the region, Cusi said. “We should institutionalize this before someone else does.” PNOC last week formally announced it was seeking a joint-venture partner to design, build, finance, operate and maintain an LNG hub in Batangas Bay, near the gas-fired power plants supplying electricity to the country’s main Luzon island. Bidders have until Dec. 21 to submit eligibility documents to PNOC. A First Gen spokeswoman said the company has been open to taking in a partner for the LNG project, but she was not aware of any joint venture agreement or talks between First Gen and Tokyo Gas. First Gen operates four of the country’s five gas-fired power plants.​  
