中国石化新闻网讯 据世界天然气网站10月25日报道,澳大利亚液化天然气公司伍德赛德周四表示,位于澳大利亚西北海岸的大西部侧翼二期项目(GWF-2)已开始天然气开采。 GWF-2项目是伍德赛德运营的西北大陆架(NWS)项目的一部分。 该项目位于丹皮尔西北约135公里的英联邦水域,包括来自六个海上油田的八个海底油井(Keast,Dockrell,Sculptor,Rankin,Lady Nora和Pemberton),与现有Goodwyn A平台连接的耐腐蚀海底管道。 伍德赛德负责人彼得科尔曼在一份声明中表示,该项目已经交付了6.3亿美元,低于6个月前的预期成本约20亿美元。 他说,该项目代表了西北大陆架 Goodwyn A平台天然气供应的下一阶段,延长了卡拉沙天然气厂的寿命,并促使伍德赛德在2020年实现10000万桶的目标产量。 “随着我们开始下一阶段的发展,包括我们对斯卡伯勒和浏览海上天然气资源的拟议开发,GWF-2项目所展示的能力将继续推进,”科尔曼说。 李方征 编译自 世界天然气 原文如下: Australia: GWF-2 project starts gas production Australian LNG player Woodside said Thursday that the Greater Western Flank Phase 2 project off the north-west coast of Australia has started gas production. GWF-2 project is part of the of the Woodside-operated North West Shelf (NWS) project. The project is located in Commonwealth waters about 135 km north-west of Dampier and includes eight subsea wells from six offshore fields (Keast, Dockrell, Sculptor, Rankin, Lady Nora and Pemberton), tied back to the existing Goodwyn A platform by a 35 km corrosion resistant subsea pipeline. Woodside head Peter Coleman said in a statement the project has been delivered $630 million below the expected cost of about $2 billion and six months ahead of schedule. The project represents the next phase in gas supply to the NWS Goodwyn A platform, extending the life of the Karratha gas plant and contributing to Woodside achieving its targeted production of 100 MMboe in 2020, he said. “The capabilities demonstrated on the GWF-2 project will be carried forward as we embark on our next phase of growth, including our proposed developments of the Scarborough and Browse offshore gas resources,” Coleman said.