

中国石化新闻网讯 据道琼斯10月24日消息,伍德麦肯兹公司称,全球油气公司需要将支出水平提高20%达到约6000亿美元,才能满足未来十年的油气需求。伍德麦肯兹公司称,全球油气公司支出水平在2017年增加2%之后,2018年有望再增加5%,到2020年代初将达到约5000亿美元的水平。但伍德麦肯兹公司表示,油气公司近年来因为油价低迷限制支出水平,导致全球项目库存已经减少,因此需要大幅提高支出水平。 张春晓 摘译自 道琼斯 原文如下: Oil Companies Should Boost Spending 20% to Meet Demand Global oil and gas companies need to increase spending levels by 20% to around $600B in order to meet future demand in the next decade, according to consultancy Wood Mackenzie. Spending is set to rise 5% in 2018 after a 2% increase in 2017, and will reach about $500B in the early 2020s, according to Wood Mackenzie. But far higher spending levels will be needed, because the inventory of global projects has dwindled as companies have restrained spending in recent years due to low prices, according to Wood Mackenzie  
