中国石化新闻网讯 据路透社新加坡报道,根据汤森路透社的数据,由于供应充足,上周晚些时候,亚洲的汽油利润率跌至两年来的最低点,10月份的平均价格预计将是2013年以来最差的一个月。
福尔摩沙石化公司发言人KY Lin表示:“欧洲和美国的需求疲软影响了亚洲市场,越南新炼油厂的商业运作,印度Reliance集团和Yasref公司汽油机组的恢复,以及阿联酋渣油催化裂解装置的重启,也是汽油利润暴跌的关键“。
据Refinitiv Eikon提供的数据显示,至少有两艘“前虎”号和“FPMC P理想”号(共运载18万吨汽油)将于下月驶往新加坡。
但消息来源称,尽管供应过剩,但亚洲的炼油厂仍不愿削减产量,因为本季度是原油和煤油需求高峰季节。 詹晓晶摘自路透社
原文如下: Asia gasoline buckles under supplies; crack at over two-year low Asia’s gasoline margin fell to more than a two-year low late last week due to ample supplies, and the October average is now expected to be the worst for the month since 2013, based on Thomson Reuters data. Gasoline margins against Brent crude fell 63 percent from the start of the month to $3.04 a barrel on Thursday, the lowest since Aug. 1, 2016, before recovering to $3.55 a barrel on Friday. However, Friday’s bounce was merely a reflection of easing oil prices, rather than a sign of better things to come, trade and industry sources said. “Weaker demand in Europe and the U.S. have affected the Asian market,” said KY Lin, spokesman for Formosa Petrochemical Corp. “The commercial operation of Vietnam’s new refinery, the resumption of gasoline units in Reliance and Yasref and the announcement of a restart of (UAE’s) RFCC (residue fluid catalytic cracker) are also keys to the crash of gasoline margin,” Lin added. “ Benchmark northwest European gasoline refining margins, for instance, have turned negative and fell to their lowest in seven years last Friday. Faced with inflated supplies, Europe will ship its gasoline to any market that can absorb the petrol. At least two ships, the Front Tiger and FPMC P Ideal, carrying a total of 180,000 tonnes of gasoline, are heading for Singapore next month, data from Refinitiv Eikon showed. But despite the glut, refineries in Asia are unwilling to slash runs this quarter as it is the peak demand season for gasoil and kerosene, the sources said.