

中国石化新闻网讯 据路透社日本名古屋报道,该国贸易部长周一表示:去年日本政府和私人公司在LNG项目上斥资了40亿美元,主要是在亚洲和整个供应链上,以刺激对燃料的需求。
Hiroshige Seko在日本名古屋举行的LNG生产商与消费者年度会议上表示,日本为来自15个国家的200人提供了培训,以培养他们在LNG供应链中的工作能力。
这一举措是在2017年6月Seko和美国能源部长Rick Perry达成一致后提出的,双方将共同努力,扩大LNG在亚洲的市场。
亚洲LNG市场的扩张将为美国不断增长的LNG出口创造需求。 詹晓晶摘自路透社
原文如下: Japan has spent $4 billion to back global LNG infrastructure push: minister The Japanese government along with private companies have spent $4 billion in the past year on liquefied natural gas (LNG) projects, mainly in Asia and across the supply chain, to help spur demand for the fuel, the country’s trade minister said on Monday. Hiroshige Seko, speaking at the annual LNG Producer-Consumer Conference in Nagoya, Japan, said Japan offered training to 200 people from 15 countries to develop a workforce to work in the LNG supply chain. Seko announced a year ago that Japan would offer $10 billion to support projects jointly sponsored by private enterprise and the government to supply LNG or build LNG infrastructure in Asia and develop a workforce of 500 people for projects in gas producing and consuming countries. The financing will go towards upstream, midstream and downstream LNG projects in developing countries in Asia and other countries to spur LNG demand. The initiative came after Seko and U.S. Energy Secretary Rick Perry agreed in June 2017 that the two countries would work together to expand the LNG market in Asia. The expansion of Asian LNG markets would create demand for rising U.S. LNG exports.  
