

中国石化新闻网讯 据《化学周刊》10月19日刊消息,墨西哥即将于12月1日上任的总统安德烈斯•曼纽尔•洛佩兹•奥夫拉多尔将不得不努力工作,以尽量减少能源改革的干扰。墨西哥能源改革旨在向私人和外国投资开放石油和天然气行业,并促进油气产量的增长。能源改革的成功实施对墨西哥石化行业的未来发展至关重要。 自2014年获得批准以来,墨西哥能源改革在为该国未来的石化投资创造更明确的激励机制和降低原料风险方面发挥了重要作用。改革已经开始重塑墨西哥能源市场,但过程并不简单。 2014年国际原油价格暴跌导致投资者对墨西哥油气行业的投资兴趣减弱,能源改革的实施速度放缓。IHS Markit化工业务顾问劳尔•阿里亚斯•阿尔瓦雷斯(Raul Arias Alvarez)表示:“反对改革的部分原因在于时机,而非市场开放本身。2014年原油价格的暴跌冲击了墨西哥国家石油公司(Pemex)的收入,当然政府的收入也受到很大的影响。原油价格下跌也促使潜在投资者重新考虑他们的投资将在哪里获得更快的回报、成本更低。尽管取得了迄今为止的进展,但由左翼当选为总统的奥夫拉多尔领导的新一届政府可能会不利于墨西哥能源改革的继续推进。 张春晓 摘译自 《Chemical Week》 原文如下: Continued reform crucial to Mexico’s petrochemical prospects Mexico’s incoming president, Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, will have to work hard to minimize disruption to implementation of energy reform designed to open the oil and gas (O&G) sector to private and foreign investment and boost production. Successful implementation is critical to the future of the country’s petrochemical industry. Mexico’s energy reform has played a significant role in creating clearer incentives and mitigating feedstock risks for future petrochemical investment in the country since it was approved in 2014. The reform has already begun reshaping Mexico’s energy market, but the journey has not been straightforward. The crash of crude prices in 2014 muted interest from investors and slowed implementation. “Part of the opposition to the reform results from the timing rather than the market opening itself,” says Raúl Arias Alvarez, consultant/chemicals at IHS Markit. “The crash of crude oil prices in 2014 hit the revenue of Petróleos Mexicanos [Pemex; Mexico City] and in turn that of the government. Lower crude prices also caused potential investors to rethink where their investments would yield returns faster and be less costly.” Despite the progress achieved so far, the incoming administration, a coalition led by left-leaning president-elect Andrés Manuel López Obrador, could rock the boat.
