近日,Acteon集团旗下的Pulse Structural Monitoring公司推出了第三代INTEGRIpod系统,该设备也成为了INTEGR水下设备监测系统新成员(INTEGRIpod系统是该公司水下监测系统的一部分,对水下设备提供监测服务)。
Pulse Structural Monitoring推出的第三代INTEGRIpod系统具有极高的精确性与稳定性。该设备还具有良好的兼容性,能够与采用标准信息交换技术的不同设备进行数据传递,为水下结构运动监测提供了一双精确的“眼睛”。
INTEGRIpod NXT系统是专门为满足海上石油与天然气开发需求而设计的水下监测设备,为充分发挥行业技术领先优势,该产品采用了标准化和模块化的设计理念。最新型的INTEGRIpod平台系统在保持原有功能的基础上增加了一系列的功能,这些特点使得INTEGRIpo追踪记录功能更可靠、更强大。该系列产品在1998年首次在现场应用至今,已经在深海海底完成了数百万小时的成功作业,这也是对该系列产品功能优异这一特点最好的证明。
Pulse技术总监Sandip Ukani说:“新系统的核心部件是一块32位的ARM处理器,它在显著提高机载处理能力的同时,对功耗要求较低,因此电池的使用寿命得到极大的延长。此外,机载MEMS陀螺仪具有极高的精密度和准确性。该平台能够与多种接口种类进行信息交换,包括有线式和声波式,并且与行业内的开发时数据传输标准相兼容,例如RS232/485标准。另外,该系统中数目众多的接口允许其与Pulse其他的传感器兼容、连接、共用。
- 单机系统—将数据保存,在地面进行数据分析,实现设备的离线监测
- 声波传输—采用声波通信技术传输监测数据,实现设备实时监测
- 有线传输—采用控制管缆传输监测数据,实现设备实时监测
- 对隔水管、海底管线和跨接管(涡流与流致振动)振动的进行监测;
- 在安装期间,对水下设备的运动、振动进行监测;
- 对钻井隔水管和SCRs的倾斜角度进行监测、测量;
- 对系泊缆绳运动和张力进行监测。
来自/Pulse Structural Monitoring等 译者/赵金成 编辑/Lemon
Pulse Structural Monitoring, an Acteon company, has launched a third generation INTEGRIpod platform as a new addition to its INTEGRI range of structural monitoring sensor systems.
The INTEGRIpod NXT platform has been specifically developed to meet the needs of the offshore oil and gas industry in the current market; offering industry-leading features in a standard, modular format. Along with a range of new features, the new INTEGRIpod platform will support INTEGRIpod’s impressive track record of reliability and robust performance, proved in millions of hours of successful ultra-deepwater subsea operations since the product range launched in 1998.
Typical applications for the INTEGRIpod range include linear displacement and static and dynamic inclination of subsea structures such as BOPs, wellheads, conductor systems, mooring lines, and jumpers. With industry-leading on-board processing capabilities, measured data is processed in real-time and transmitted wirelessly or hardwired enabling instantaneous operational decision-making. The new platform also allows for deployments in excess of one year between battery change-outs due to new features such as ‘Smart Logging,’ which enables the device to deploy and only record phenomena over client-defined thresholds; significantly reducing campaign costs and the need for offshore interventions.
Sandip Ukani, technical director, Pulse, said, “At the core of the new platform is a 32-bit ARM processor, which offers low power consumption with significant on-board processing capability; delivering best-in-class battery life. The on-board MEMS gyroscopic sensors deliver unrivalled precision and accuracy. The platform allows communication over various connectivity options, including hardwired and acoustic, and can communicate over various industry standard open communication standards, such as RS232/485. Additionally, a multitude of connectors allows direct integration of Pulse’s proven sensor family, including the INTEGRIstick (Curvature Sensor), INTEGRIstrain (Custom Bonded Strain Gauge Packages) in addition to any third party sensor package.”
The third generation INTEGRIpod platform underwent extensive sea trials in the harsh weather of the North Sea, and in deepwater offshore Brazil. It is now ready for deployment as part of Pulse’s extensive fleet of structural monitoring systems.
Pulse Structural Monitoring, an Acteon company, is a leader in marine structural monitoring and has been responsible for providing highly successful monitoring systems and services since 1998.
The INTEGRIpod is a motion sensor with integrated data logger for measuring the movement of subsea structures.
Deployment of loggers
The INTEGRIpod contains all electronics, batteries and sensors enclosed in a pressure rated and corrosion resistant casing. They can be deployed by diver or ROV.
The INTEGRIpod can be set up to communicate in the following ways
- Standalone – to save data on to on-board memory for later retrieval to achieve off-line monitoring
- Acoustic – to transmit data using a through water acoustic link to achieve real-time monitoring
- Hardwired – to transmit data via umbilical to achieve real-time monitoring
System configuration
A wide range of configurations of the INTEGRIpod are available to meet specific requirements. However, there are a number of standard off-shelf configurations optimised to meet common applications.
Typical applications for the INTEGRIpod™ include:
- Vibration monitoring for risers, pipelines and subsea jumpers (VIV and flow-induced vibration)
- Motion monitoring of subsea structures during installation
- Inclination measurement of drilling riser and SCRs
- Motion and tension monitoring of mooring lines
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