

中国石化新闻网讯 据普氏能源资讯10月19日墨西哥城报道,墨西哥南部的工业用户日前对标准普尔全球普氏能源资讯记者表示,由于墨西哥国家石油公司(墨国油/Pemex)天然气产量持续下降以及用户无法进入液化天然气(LNG)终端,11月份墨西哥南部的天然气短缺将达到一个临界点。 墨西哥Braskem Idesa石化公司新业务主管Cleantho de Paiva Leite日前在出席墨西哥国家石化论坛间隙向普氏能源资讯记者表示,作为天然气产量下降的一个结果,墨国油将不会为墨西哥南部的几个工业用户推荐天然气。 这名新业务主管说:“这种情况可能导致墨西哥南部的工业活动完全停止。” 墨西哥南部的第2家石化公司官员在论坛上对普氏能源咨询记者表示,墨国油时下正在分配其日益减少的天然气产量来满足其旗下子公司和发电厂对天然气的需求。 李峻 编译自 普氏能源资讯 原文如下: Gas shortages in southern Mexico to reach critical levels in November Gas shortages in southern Mexico will reach a critical point in November as Pemex natural gas production continues declining and users lack access to LNG terminals, industrial users in southern Mexico told S&P Global Platts on Thursday. Pemex is not nominating gas for several industrial users in southern Mexico as a result of decreasing production, Cleantho de Paiva Leite, director for new businesses with Braskem Idesa, told Platts on the sidelines of the Mexican National Petrochemical Forum. “The situation could lead to a complete stoppage of the industrial activity in southern Mexico,” said de Paiva Leite, whose company operates the most polyethylene capacity in Mexico. Pemex is allocating its diminishing gas output to fulfill the needs of its subsidiaries and power generators, a second petrochemical company in southern Mexico told Platts at the forum.
