

中国石化新闻网讯 据WENews.com网站10月 21日伦敦报道,土耳其总统埃尔多安周五表示,由阿塞拜疆国家石油公司(SOCAR)在土耳其新建的一个价值63亿美元的炼油厂Star炼油厂的投产将大幅降低安卡拉对精制石油产品进口的依赖。 由于土耳其货币里拉今年下跌35%推高了该国能源企业的成本,迫使他们提高家庭和工业客户的电力和天然气价格,因此,Star炼油厂的投产还可以帮助缓解来自土耳其货币危机的一些痛苦。 埃尔多安在位于土耳其爱琴海沿岸伊兹密尔省的SOCAR土耳其爱琴海炼油厂(STAR)的投产仪式上发表讲话时称赞Star炼油厂是土耳其在满足其能源需求方面迈出的最大一步。 埃尔多安说:“这项计划旨在每年节省大约15亿美元的石油产品进口并大幅减少对外国石油产品的依赖。” 李峻 编译自 WENews.com 原文如下: STAR Oil Refinery to Reduce Turkey Dependence on Imports, says Erdogan A new $6.3 billion refinery set up by the Azeri state oil company in Turkey will reduce Ankara’s dependence on imports for processed oil products, President Tayyip Erdogan said on Friday.
The new plant could also help to ease some of the pain from Turkey’s currency crisis, given that the lira’s 35 percent slump this year has driven up costs for the country’s energy companies and forced them to increase electricity and natural gas prices for both households and industrial customers. Speaking at the opening ceremony of the SOCAR Turkey Aegean Refinery (STAR) in the Aegean coastal province of Izmir, Erdogan hailed the plant as Turkey’s biggest step yet in Turkey’s drive to meet its energy needs. “This is aimed at saving around $1.5 billion annually in oil product imports and the reduction of foreign dependence for oil products,” he said.  
