中国石化新闻网讯 据安迅思10月18日消息,今年在奥地利首都维也纳举行的欧洲石油化工协会(EPCA)年会上,关于苯乙烯的讨论大多围绕着全球供应以及在短期内看到新装置的可能性展开。 安迅思(ICIS)坚信中国新建苯乙烯装置还需要一段时间才能建成投产,同时全球其它地区的新增供应应该非常有限。 与此同时,欧洲和美国的一些老的苯乙烯装置将继续经历非计划停工,这意味着市场供应将出现短缺,价格也将继续大幅波动。 据ICIS 分析和咨询公司的数据显示,2018年全球苯乙烯装置的平均开工率水平将达到90%。虽然市场需求增速放缓,但是产能增长更为有限,包括发达市场产能的关闭,从而导致全球苯乙烯装置产能利用率处于历史高位。 张春晓 摘译自 ICIS 原文如下: Global styrene shortage to persist Much of the conversation on styrene at the European Petrochemical Association (EPCA) annual meeting in Vienna this year revolved around global supply and the likelihood of seeing a new plant anytime soon. ICIS firmly believes that China plants will take some time to be built and that new supply in other parts of the world should be very limited. With old plants in Europe and the US, unplanned shutdowns should continue, meaning continued volatility for pricing and supply shortages. Global operating rates for styrene should reach 90% in 2018, according to ICIS Analytics and Consulting data. This strong global utilisation has come through slow demand growth, but even more limited capacity growth, including closures in developed markets.