中国石化新闻网讯 据路透社10月14日卡塔尔多哈报道,卡塔尔石油公司宣布它在2019年10月6日与卡塔尔西方石油公司(Occidental Petroleum)签署开发与生产共享协议(DPSA)期满后,将管理和运营Idd El-Shargi North Dome (ISND)油田。 卡塔尔石油公司与卡塔尔西方石油公司于1994年签署了开发与生产共享协议,共同管理和运营Idd El-Shargi north dome油田。该油田于1960年被发现,位于多哈东海岸85公里处。 Al-Kaabi先生(卡塔尔石油公司总裁)感谢卡塔尔的西方石油公司及其所有员工在过去24年里在管理和运营ISND海上油田方面所做的重大努力和贡献。 蔡小全 编译自 路透社 原文如下: Qatar Petroleum to manage, operate Idd El-Shargi North Dome offshore oil field next year Qatar Petroleum announced that it will manage and operate the Idd El-Shargi North Dome (ISND) field following the expiry of the Development & Production Sharing Agreement (DPSA) with Occidental Petroleum of Qatar on October 6, 2019. Qatar Petroleum and Occidental Petroleum of Qatar signed the DPSA in 1994 for the management and operation of the Idd El-Shargi field north dome. The field was discovered in 1960 and lies 85 kilometers off the eastern coast of Doha. Mr. Al-Kaabi thanked Occidental Petroleum of Qatar and all its employees for their significant efforts and contributions in managing and operating the ISND offshore oil field during the past 24 years.