中国石化新闻网讯 据路透社10月12日新加坡报道称,数名贸易消息人士周五表示,由于融资成本上升,阿曼原油销售商锁定2019年的供应溢价高于上年。 他们表示,运营耐受性为0.2%的阿曼货物价格比官方销售价格(OSP)高出约5美分/桶,而去年的溢价约为4美分/桶。消息人士称,直接价格上涨和利率上升增加了交易商在迪拜商品交易所购买阿曼的融资成本。 一些消息人士预计,交易将以每桶14-15美分的溢价完成,尽管一家上游公司可能以高于15美分的溢价出售其供应品。 徐蕾 摘译自 路透社 原文如下: Oman’s 2019 crude oil premiums rise on financing costs Oman crude oil sellers have locked in higher premiums for 2019 supplies than the previous year on the back of higher financing costs, several trade sources said on Friday. Oman cargoes with a 0.2 percent operational tolerance were sold at premiums of about 5 cents a barrel above the official selling price (OSP), against premiums of about 4 cents from the previous year, they said.The rise in outright prices and higher interest rates have increased financing costs for traders when they purchase Oman on the Dubai Mercantile Exchange, the sources said.