中国石化新闻网讯 据WENews.com网站10月7日伦敦报道,中欧最大的油气公司奥地利石油天然气集团(OMV)周三在维也纳表示,该公司已同意从俄罗斯能源巨头俄罗斯天然气工业股份公司(Gazprom/俄气)手中收购西伯利亚资产,而不是进行资产互换。 2016年,OMV同意以其在挪威的38.5%资产交换俄气麾下的俄罗斯最大气田乌连戈伊气田的24.98%股份。 消息人士今年5月对路透社表示,在挪威表示反对上述资产互换计划后,这家奥地利巨头可能直接从俄气购买这些西伯利亚资产。 OMV在一份声明中表示,双方将“诚意协商”收购价格。 李峻 编译自 原文如下: OMV to Buy Siberian Assets from Gazprom Instead of Swap OMV has agreed to buy Siberian assets from Gazprom instead of swapping them, the Austrian oil and gas group said on Wednesday.
In 2016, OMV agreed to swap 38.5 percent of its Norwegian assets for 24.98 percent of the Russian company’s Urengoy gas field. Sources told Reuters in May that the Austrian group might buy the assets outright after Norway voiced opposition to the asset swap plans.
The purchase price will be “negotiated in good faith”, OMV said in a statement.