

中国石化新闻网讯 据WENews.com网站10月7日休斯顿报道,以色列商业日报the Marker周三报道说,总部位于美国德克萨斯州的诺布尔能源公司(诺布尔能源/Noble Energy)日前出售了其在以色列塔马尔石油公司(Tamar Petroleum) 中持有的43.5%股份,该公司在上周曾宣布将帮助资助一项与埃及达成的天然气出口协议。 以色列商业日报the Marker在这份没有表明消息来源的报道中说,诺布尔能源日前在特拉维夫证券交易所以每股15.5谢克尔(4.26美元)的价格出售了4000万股塔马尔石油公司股票。 诺布尔能源在以色列的一名代表拒绝对此事发表评论。 今年9月27日,诺布尔能源、以色列德勒克钻井公司和埃及东天然气公司表示,他们将购买EMG管道的39%股权,从而使一项具有里程碑意义的价值150亿美元的从以色列向埃及出口天然气的交易得以启动。 这笔5.18亿美元的购买将使以色列海上塔马尔大气田和利维坦大气田在未来10年内向埃及供应640亿立方米天然气成为可能。 德勒克钻井公司和诺布尔能源将分别支付1.85亿美元,而埃及东天然气公司将支付1.48亿美元。 李峻 编译自 WENews.com 原文如下: Noble Energy Cashes Out of Tamar Petroleum After Egypt Gas Deal Texas-based Noble Energy (NBL) sold its 43.5 percent stake in Israel’s Tamar Petroleum after announcing last week that it would help finance a gas export deal with Egypt, the Israeli business daily The Marker reported on Wednesday.
Noble’s sale of 40 million Tamar shares, at 15.50 shekels ($4.26) each, took place on the Tel Aviv Stock Exchange, The Marker said in the unsourced report.
A Noble representative in Israel declined to comment.
On Sept. 27, Noble, Israel’s Delek Drilling and the Egyptian East Gas Co said they would buy a 39 percent stake in the EMG pipeline to enable a landmark $15 billion deal to export natural gas from Israel to Egypt to begin next year.
The $518 million purchase will enable the supply of 64 billion cubic metres of gas over 10 years from Israel’s offshore Tamar and Leviathan fields. Delek and Noble, which are partners in the fields, will each pay $185 million while the Egyptian East Gas Co will pay $148 million.
