

中国石化新闻网讯 据世界天然气网站10月5日报道,在2016年完成可行性研究后,塞浦路斯政府决定在利马索尔附近的瓦西里科斯湾开发液化天然气终端。 政府发起招标,要求在2020年11月30日之前建设500欧元(5.765亿美元)的设施。 招标后,国家天然气公共公司(DEFA)主席 Symeon Kassianides表示,“我们预计将在未来几周内发出关于供应液化天然气的利息表示请求,并在2019年初提出全面投标。” 本次招标的主题涉及进口码头的设计,建造和运营,采购至少125,000立方米储存容量的浮式储存和再气化装置(FSRU)。 该设施将能够从LNG运输船卸载LNG,其尺寸范围从120,000立方米到217,000立方米。 招标还包括为FSRU的永久性停泊建设海上基础设施,以及向Vasilikos电站和潜在的其他天然气消费者输送天然气的陆上天然气基础设施和相关建筑组件。 李方征 编译自 世界天然气 原文如下: Cyprus issues tender for LNG terminal Following the completion of a feasibility study in 2016, the Government of Cyprus decided to proceed with the development of a liquefied natural gas terminal in Vasilikos Bay, near Limassol. The government launched a tender calling for the construction of the €500 ($576.5 million) facility by November 30, 2020. Following the tender, chairman of the National Gas Public Company (DEFA), Symeon Kassianides, said, “we expect to issue a request for expressions of interest for the supply of LNG in the coming weeks and a full tender early in 2019.” The subject of this tender entails the design, construction and operation the import terminal, procurement of a floating storage and regasification unit (FSRU) of at least 125,000 cubic meters storage capacity. The facility will be capable of unloading LNG from LNG carriers ranging in size from 120,000 cubic meters to 217,000 cubic meters. Tender is also for the construction of offshore infrastructure for the permanent berthing of the FSRU, and onshore natural gas infrastructure and related construction components for gas delivery to the Vasilikos power station and potentially other gas consumers.  
