
波兰PKN Orlen公司本月接收尼日利亚原油

中国石化新闻网讯 据路透社华沙报道,波兰国营石油公司PKN Orlen首席执行官表示,公司正在寻求其他供应商以减少对俄罗斯供应的依赖,公司预计下个月将收到尼日利亚原油的首次装运。 波兰最大的国营石油公司PKN Orlen和它正在接管的规模较小的竞争对手Lotos,都主要依赖俄罗斯20世纪60年代建造的管道输送石油,但目前两家公司都增加了从其他渠道进行采购。 PKN的首席执行长Daniel Obajtek上周接受路透社采访时说,”尼日利亚是我们正在探索的新的供应来源。目前,一批13万吨尼日利亚石油正运往波兰,预计10月中旬抵达纳夫托波特(位于格但斯克)。” 他同时表示,如果测试证实了假设的收益率结构和利润率,尼日利亚的进一步石油供应将是一个可行的选择。” PKN Orlen在2016年与沙特阿美石油公司签署了一份关于定期石油供应的长期协议,此后PKN和Lotos也从伊朗和美国购买了石油。 目前,来自俄罗斯的石油供应约占向PKN输送石油总量的70%,低于2015年的90%。 詹晓晶摘自路透社 原文如下: Polish refiner PKN Orlen expects shipment of Nigerian oil this month Polish oil refiner PKN Orlen expects to receive a first ever shipment of Nigerian crude oil next month, its CEO said, as Poland seeks to reduce its reliance on Russian supplies. State-run PKN Orlen, Poland’s biggest refiner, and smaller rival Lotos, which it is taking over, rely mostly on Russian oil delivered via pipelines built in the 1960s but both have increased purchases from other sources. “Nigeria is our new source of supplies we are exploring. Currently, a batch of 130,000 tonnes of Nigerian oil is on its way to Poland. It is expected to arrive at Naftoport (in Gdansk) in mid-October,” PKN’s Chief Executive Daniel Obajtek told Reuters in an interview last week. “If tests confirm the assumed yields structure and margins, further oil supplies from Nigeria will be a viable option,” he said. PKN Orlen signed a long-term agreement on regular oil supplies with Saudi Aramco in 2016 and since then both PKN and Lotos have also purchased oil from Iran and the United States. Oil supplies from Russia account for around 70 percent of all oil deliveries to PKN, down from around 90 percent in 2015. ​
