

中国石化新闻网讯 据普氏能源资讯休斯敦10月8日消息称,韩国以一位政府官员表示,韩国贸易、工业和能源部正敦促明年将液化天然气的进口关税从目前的2-3%降至零,以减轻消费者的经济负担并促进清洁燃料的消费。 该官员补充说,该部正敦促将液化石油气进口关税从今年的2%降至2019年的零。 韩国目前对10月至3月冬季高峰期间进口的液化天然气征收3%的关税,而今年余下时间里征收2%的关税。在韩国,液化天然气被用于供暖和发电。 该官员表示:“部门已要求财政部降低液化天然气和液化石油气的进口关税,以帮助降低消费者的成本。” 韩国7月份家庭和工业的天然气零售价格平均上调4.2%,5月份上调3.1%,以反映与原油价格相关的液化天然气进口价格上涨。 随着原油期货价格上涨,预计国内天然气价格将进一步上涨。 尽管价格较高,但韩国天然气公司的液化天然气销售额在今年前八个月同比增长17.9%,达到2240万吨,该公司垄断了国内天然气销售。 韩国总统Moon Jae-in一直在推动增加液化天然气的消费,以减少煤炭和核能的发电的需求。 该官员说:“该部门推动降低液化天然气进口关税,也是为了提高清洁燃料的消费,这是政府从煤炭和核能向可再生能源和液化天然气的能源转型政策的一部分。” 他补充说,根据能源转型政策,该部门敦促从明年4月开始将液化天然气的消费税降低74%至23元/公斤(0.04美元/公斤),同时提高煤炭27.8%的电力生产税至46元/公斤。 今年4月,政府将热能煤税提高了20%,达到36元/公斤,这有助于提高液化天然气的竞争力。 作为解决空气污染问题的一部分,政府还推动提高液化石油气消费,为LPG动力汽车提供激励措施。尽管如此,由于零售价格上涨,韩国的LPG运输需求一直在下降。 据国有企业韩国国家石油公司称,今年1月至8月,占全国总消费量的35%的液化石油气运输需求同比下降5.7%,至2298万桶。 根据KNOC的数据,9月份丙烷零售价格平均为1945元/公斤,比去年同期增长7.3%,而9月丁烷零售价格同比上涨7.3%至2181元/公斤。 曹海斌 摘译自 普氏能源资讯 原文如下: South Korea’s energy ministry urges cut in import tariffs on LNG, LPG South Korea’s Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy is urging for cutting the import tariff on LNG to zero next year from 2-3% currently to ease consumers’ financial burden and boost consumption of the cleaner fuel, a ministry official said Monday. The ministry was urging for a similar cut in LPG import tax to zero in 2019 from 2% this year, the official added. South Korea currently levies a 3% tariff on LNG imported during the peak winter season from October to March, and 2% during the rest of the year. LNG is used for heating and power generation in South Korea. “The ministry has requested the finance ministry to lower imports tariffs on LNG and LPG to help ease consumers’ costs,” the official said. South Korea raised retail natural gas prices for households and industry by an average of 4.2% in July and 3.1% in May to reflect higher LNG import prices linked to crude oil prices. Domestic natural gas prices are expected to increase further amid rising crude oil futures. Despite higher prices, LNG sales by Korea Gas Corp., which has a monopoly on domestic natural gas sales, jumped 17.9% year on year to 22.4 million mt during the first eight months this year. President Moon Jae-in has been pushing for an increase in LNG consumption to reduce coal-based and nuclear power generation. “The ministry’s push for lowering import tariff on LNG is also aimed at boosting consumption of the cleaner fuel as part of the government’s policy of energy transition from coal and nuclear to renewables and LNG,” the official said. In line with the energy transition policy, the ministry is urging for a cut in consumption tax on LNG by as much as 74% to Won 23/kg ($0.04/kg) from April next year, while raising taxes on coal for power production by 27.8% to Won 46/kg, he added. The government raised the tax on thermal coal by 20% to Won 36/kg in April this year which helped boost LNG’s competitiveness. As part of its efforts to tackle air pollution, the government has also pushed for boosting LPG consumption, offering incentives for LPG-powered vehicles. Despite this, South Korea’s LPG demand for transportation has been falling due to higher retail prices. LPG demand for transportation, which accounts for 35% of the country’s total consumption, fell 5.7% year on year to 22.98 million barrels over January-August, according to state-owned Korea National Oil Corp. Retail propane prices averaged Won 1,945/kg in September, up 7.3% from the same month last year, while retail butane prices increased 7.3% year on year to average Won 2,181/kg in September, according to KNOC.​
