中国石化新闻网讯 据道琼斯10月8日消息,法国石油巨头道达尔和阿尔及利亚国家石油公司Sonatrach已签署两份协议,双方将共同开发阿尔及利亚一处天然气田,并成立一家以石化业务为主的合资公司。
道达尔在周日的声明中称,公司将与阿国油共同开发Erg Issouane天然气田,投资额约4亿美元。道达尔表示,估计该气田储量超过1亿桶油当量,第一批天然气将在2021年年底产出。
阿国油将在两个项目中各持有51%股权,道达尔将持有其余49%股权。 张春晓 摘译自 道琼斯
原文如下: DJ Total, Sonatrach Sign Agreements on Gas Field, Petrochemical Joint Venture Total SA (FP.FR) and Algeria’s Sonatrach have signed two agreements to jointly develop a gas field in Algeria and to create a petrochemical-focused joint venture. In a statement Sunday, the French oil major said it will develop the Erg Issouane gas field alongside Sonatrach, representing an investment of about $400 million. The reserves of the field are estimated at more than 100 million barrels of oil equivalent and first gas is expected in late 2021, Total said. The companies will also develop a joint petrochemical project in Arzew, western Algeria, including a propane dehydrogenation unit and a polypropylene production unit. Front-end engineering and design is expected to start in November, Total said. Sonatrach will hold 51% in both projects, while Total will own 49%.