

中国石化新闻网讯 据路透社休斯顿报道,根据来自Refinitiv Eikon和航运信息公司Kpler的数据显示,随着美国炼油厂开始季节性维修,导致沙特对美国的原油出口在9月份急剧下降。 沙特原油发货量的放缓标志着美国原油出口量的下降,自2017年中以来,沙特在美国的原油发货量一直在减少,而重点是亚洲买家。 根据研究公司IIR能源的数据,美国炼油厂本周的离线产能估计为每天142万桶,高于一个月前的每天322000桶。美国能源部本周表示,美国原油库存上周增加了800万桶,至4.04亿桶。 Refinitiv Eikon的数据显示:8月,载有沙特原油的25艘油轮抵达美国,这是2017年3月以来的最高油量,但从沙特出发前往美国海湾和西海岸的船只9月份仅为12艘(8月有20艘、7月有30艘)。 根据Refinitiv Eikon的数据,9月,沙特运往美国的原油为781120桶/日,为5月份以来的最低水平。这一数字从8月的946290桶/日和7月的120万桶/日一路下降,而7月的运货量是2015年10月以来的最高水平。 沙特原油到达美国西海岸大约需要一个月的时间,而到达美国海湾沿岸则需要六周到两个月的时间。 詹晓晶摘自路透社 原文如下: Saudi crude exports to U.S. fall in September after summer surge Saudi Arabia’s crude exports to the United States fell sharply in September as U.S. oil refiners began seasonal maintenance that has allowed crude inventories to rise, data from Refinitiv Eikon and shipping intelligence firm Kpler show. A slowdown in Saudi shipments marks a return to lower levels of crude exports into the U.S., where the Kingdom has sent fewer barrels since mid-2017, while focusing on Asian buyers. U.S. refineries had an estimated 1.42 million barrels per day (bpd) of capacity offline this week, up from 322,000 bpd a month ago, according to data provider IIR Energy. U.S. crude stocks rose by 8 million barrels last week to 404 million barrels, the U.S. Department of Energy said this week. Twenty-five tankers carrying Saudi crude arrived in the U.S. last month with the most oil since March 2017, but vessels departing the Kingdom for the U.S. Gulf and West Coasts plunged to 12 in September, down from 20 in August and 30 in July, Refinitiv Eikon data show. Saudi crude departures to the United States carried 781,120 bpd in September, the lowest level since May. That figure was down from 946,290 bpd in August and 1.2 million bpd in July, which was the highest level since October 2015, according to Refinitiv Eikon. It takes about a month for Saudi crude to reach the U.S. West Coast, and around six weeks to two months to reach the U.S. Gulf Coast. ​  
