

中国石化新闻网讯 据路透社伦敦、新加坡报道,荷兰皇家壳牌在加拿大启动的一个大规模的LNG出口项目,可能会在全球范围内掀起一波批准浪潮,从而抑制2020年后可能出现的供应短缺。 荷兰皇家壳牌表示,将在2025年之前从加拿大西部出口LNG,此前该公司批准了一项400亿加元(合312亿美元)的项目,该项目最初每年可生产1400万吨LNG。 而就在几周前,全球最大的LNG出口国卡塔尔表示,它将在未来几年将已经巨大的年产量从7700万吨扩大到1.1亿吨。 加拿大和卡塔尔的能源开发将大幅增加每年约3亿吨LNG的交易量,这将有助于缓解未来10年预期的供应短缺。 这些项目被视为一个开始,其他许多最终投资决策(FIDs)的项目也会陆续完成,而LNG价格也将从三年的低迷中恢复过来。 詹晓晶摘自路透社 原文如下: Looming large: Shell’s LNG Canada seen as tip of megaproject iceberg The launch of a massive liquefied natural gas (LNG) export project in Canada could fire the starting gun on a wave of other approvals around the world, potentially curbing a supply crunch expected after 2020. Royal Dutch Shell on Tuesday said it would export LNG from the west of Canada by 2025 after approving a C$40 billion ($31.2 billion) project capable of initially producing 14 million tonnes a year. That comes just weeks after Qatar, the world’s top LNG exporter, said it would expand its already huge annual output of 77 million tonnes to 110 million tonnes in the coming years. The Canada and Qatar developments will significantly boost the around 300 million tonnes of LNG traded per year, helping ease a supply shortage expected in the next decade amid surging appetite for cleaner fuels from places such as China and wider Asia. The projects are seen as just the start, with a host of other approvals – known as final investment decisions (FIDs) – expected to follow after waiting in company drawers while LNG prices recovered from a three-year slump.  
