

中国石化新闻网讯 据路透社9月29日开罗报道,埃及在上周抵达的最后一批液化船货后将停止进口天然气,石油部长塔里克·莫拉周六表示。 今年早些时候,莫拉表示随着埃及在最近发现的天然气田的加速生产,埃及将与2017/18财年末停止进口液化天然气。 埃及在近些年一系列的重大发现后,目标成为一个液化天然气贸易的地域中心,其中包括预计蕴藏30万亿立方英尺天然气的祖哈尔巨型海上天然气田。 本月该国天然气产量达到66亿立方英尺/天,相比7月份为60亿立方英尺/天。 产量自从12月油田开始作业以来一直保持稳步增长。 莫拉1月份表示不再进口液化天然气该国将每月节约2.5亿美元。 蔡小全 编译自 路透社 原文如下: Egypt halts gas imports after final shipments arrived Egypt will stop importing natural gas after its final liquefied shipments arrived last week, Petroleum Minister Tarek El Molla said on Saturday. Earlier this year El Molla said Egypt would stop importing liquefied natural gas (LNG) by the end of the 2017/18 fiscal year as it speeds up production at recently discovered gas fields. Egypt aims to be a regional hub for the trade of liquefied natural gas (LNG) after a string of major discoveries in recent years, including the giant Zohr offshore gas field which holds an estimated 30 trillion cubic feet of gas. The country’s production of natural gas this month reached 6.6 billion cubic feet per day, compared with 6 billion feet per day in July. Production has been growing steadily since the field began operating in December. EL Molla said in January the country would save $250 million per month by no longer importing LNG.
